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Writer's pictureAlan Fong

The Lone Ranger

Today’s Verse:

And when Moses’ father in law saw all that he did to the people, he said, What is this thing that thou doest to the people? why sittest thou thyself alone, and all the people stand by thee from morning unto even? ~Exodus 18:14


Growing up as a boy, one of my favorite shows I watched was “The Lone Ranger.” He was a fictional crime-fighting character during the days of the Wild West. The name affixed to him described a man who was a loner in what he did. He had a sidekick named Tonto, but aside from him, whatever he did was on his own. In our Scripture this morning, the father-in-law of Moses, Jethro, observed the leadership abilities of Moses and asked him, “Why sittest thyself alone?” Let us see this morning the importance of leadership and delegation.

There is the gaffe in delegation.

Jethro asked, “Why sittest thou alone?” Moses was a strong leader, but he had a problem letting go and getting others to help. When we don’t delegate, we do ourselves and the people we serve a disservice. We cannot minister effectively and hit a ceiling. The people we are ministering to will get discouraged and consider you as a leader who cannot help them. When we do not delegate, we stagnate the growth of the ministry, and will fail to meet the goals of growth and development. When you do not delegate, you are not using your best leadership abilities to the fullest.

There is the goal in delegation.

As leaders, delegation is when we share and spread responsibilities with others. As Jesus’ prominence grew and more people desired his help, he used this increase in demand to call to him his twelve disciples. In Matt. 10, we see Jesus enlisting, empowering, and entrusting. In delegating responsibilities, our first objective is getting the right people to help us achieve the goal of the organization. Our second objective is the training and equipping of the people around us in order for them to have the knowledge and tools they need to help us go forward.

There is the growth through delegation.

The right delegation to the right people leads to growth. There will be the organizational growth, which is the goal everyone should have in mind. There is the spiritual and people growth of the people who have been assigned responsibilities. There will be the growth of additional people added to the organizational structure and delegation process. There will be the growth of the leader. There will be the growth of the people being served. Notice, Moses was to determine whom to delegate, and then based on their strengths, assign them groups to manage. All of this was so that the Lord’s work would be done between sunup and sundown.

There is the governing in delegation.

Leaders cannot be hands-off when it comes to delegation. A specific job description must be given so that the manager knows what is expected of him. There must be preassigned check points for the leader and the managers to determine what’s been done. In our governance, we must inspect what we expect. Proper governance provided for accountability and honest feedback.

There is the gain from delegation.

After Moses followed the wise counsel of Jethro, the Israelites were much improved in productivity. Delegation accomplishes the desired results we set as our goals. Delegation produces leaders who help the organization accomplish more. Delegation enables the key leader to plan more, pray more, be more visionary, and be more strategic. The right delegation is a win-win situation. Read Acts 6 and see how delegation by the Apostles resulted in the multiplying of disciples.

Are you a lone ranger? Take to heart what Jethro counseled Moses, and let the Lord work in your heart to be more people-centric than project-centric.

Have an enabled God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Matthew 15-17

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