Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. ~Lamentations 3:25
Whenever I go shopping at a place like Costco, I always scan for the shortest line or use the self-checkout line. I do not like to wait in lines. The same can be said when I make an appointment to see the doctor or dentist; I try to schedule for the first appointment of the day so that I can avoid waiting. Waiting can sometimes try your patience. Waiting can sometimes feel unbearable. However, waiting is an essential necessity for our spiritual growth, maturity, and God’s refinement in our life. When we read Lamentations 3, we see Jeremiah’s perplexity about where God had placed him. As we continue reading the chapter, he testifies about the lessons that he discovered from waiting.
Waiting is God’s means of teaching us dependence, faith, and reliance upon Him. Waiting is God’s way of teaching us that He is in control. Waiting is God's way of showing us that we are not ready for the next level where God can work through us. Waiting teaches us how to get ahold of God in prayer. Waiting teaches us that we are impatient! Waiting causes us to be still and know that He is God! Waiting teaches us that God is not in a hurry!
Jeremiah described that he was in a dark place. He said that God had hedged His way about him. His problem made him age. He was stressed out by the fierce reaction and disobedience of the people against his preaching. He said that God builded against him. He cried out for help, but no help was there. God uses trials, problems, uncertainties, and difficulties to make us wait. We desire a quick solution or resolution, but God seems to go silent on us instead. We become overwhelmed and frustrated with our circumstances. However, God uses these devices to stall us and make us realize that we must wait until God is ready to act on our behalf.
Waiting is God’s will for our life. Waiting helps us to appreciate God’s mercies every morning! Waiting shows us how faithful God really is. Waiting teaches us that the Lord is good. We learn that our trial is not very long in comparison to God’s timeline. Waiting allows us to see our life in relation to eternity and in relation to God’s big picture. We learn that it is not us but God Who is the most important in the trial. We come to realize that "all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."
"The LORD is good unto them that wait for him." Wait for God’s answer. Wait for God’s leading. Wait for God’s strength. He is a "strong hold in the day of trouble." He is our Rock upon which we stand. Do not see waiting as your enemy, roadblock, or obstruction. Accept waiting as a divine tool for God to bring us closer to Him. Don’t rush, just wait!
Bible Reading Schedule: John 16-18