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Writer's pictureAlan Fong

A Clean Heart

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. ~Psalm 51:10


Psalm 51 is the record of David’s confession of sin and restoration of fellowship with God. It is the personal account of David’s actual prayer to God after committing some very terrible sins. It is a psalm that gives us an example of what to do with unconfessed sin in our life. It gives us a pathway on how we can have cleansing, forgiveness, and a renewed hope in our relationship with the Lord.

We see David and his awareness.

David had committed the sins of adultery and murder. He abused his responsibilities as a believer and was negligent in his responsibilities as a king. The prophet Nathan appeared to confront him about his sins. David tried to hide his guilt and deaden his conscience through subterfuge and cover-up. The day came when Nathan told him that he had sinned against the Lord. David was keenly aware that his sin broke fellowship with God. He lost his joy. He lost his power with God. He was a miserable man. When we allow sin to remain unconfessed in our life, the same things happen to us.

We see David and his approach.

He approached God for mercy, cleansing, and forgiveness. He acknowledged that he had sinned against God and there was no more hiding and running on his part. He knew that he grieved God through his deliberate and foolish actions. He knew that he could not turn back time and redo his life. He sinned! He crossed the forbidden line. His life was dirty. He pleaded for mercy. He requested the Lord to purge his soul from all filthiness of the flesh and superfluity of naughtiness. He knew that there was no other means to be cleansed from his iniquities. David makes a full and complete confession. He asked for restoration of the presence of God, the joy of the Lord, and the power for service. David approached God for complete forgiveness and a fresh start.

We see David and the application.

Just like David, we need to seriously allow God to search and try us for every wicked way that is found within us. Every sin that God brings to our thoughts must be immediately confessed. We must realize that sin in our life results in unanswered prayers, unproductive service, and unnecessary heaviness. Sin impedes our fellowship and progress. When we seek the Lord diligently for His cleansing and forgiveness, we have a renewal of praise in our lips to the Lord. We seek to walk with a contrite heart before God. We refocus our efforts in reaching the unsaved with the gospel.

Are there unconfessed sins in your life that are keeping God from blessing and using you? Are there prayers being unanswered because of unconfessed sins? Has it been a long time since you have had real joy and happiness in your life? Take some time today to seek God’s mercies, confess your sins, and be restored in right fellowship with God. Don’t wait until the Lord has to sorely chasten you! Take the first step in seeking God’s restoration in your life today.

Have a purifying God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: 2 Kings 18-19

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