Alan Fong
3 min read
Alan Fong
3 min read
Alan Fong
3 min read
Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word. ~Psalm 119:9
Mr. Clean® is the protected brand name for popular and best-selling housecleaning products. The name is associated with cleaning and dirt removal. We will see this morning how every Christian can attain a status of true cleanliness in his life. We will see how every Christian can tackle the ongoing difficulty that he has with his sin nature. Let us see how every Christian can be a Mr. Clean every day of his spiritual life.
Every Christian still battles with the sin nature after he is saved. Yes, he is a new creature in Christ with old things passed away. However, the old, sinful nature is still our nemesis. Paul said, “When I would do good, evil is present with me.” He said that he placed no confidence in his sinful flesh. He knew that he had the propensity to fall back into sins which could easily beset him. The psalmist recognized that sin is no respecter of persons. We are in constant need of forgiveness and cleansing for our sins. We have the onerous problem of falling into sin of all kinds. When sin occurs in our life, fellowship is broken with the Lord, our lives are soiled, and we feel perplexed about ourselves.
“Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.” The prescription that we need is a spiritual cleansing from the Word of God. Jesus said, “Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” Jesus further said, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” Paul calls it the washing of water by the Word. God’s Word is the only prescription for cleansing. First, it shows us our sin. It reveals where the dirt has accumulated in our life. Second, it washes us. As we saturate our lives with the Word, it draws us closer to God and changes us into His image. I think of Moses, who spent forty days on Mount Sinai with the Lord. Moses had a glow and luster about his face that clearly showed that he had been with God.
The cleansing is something that we need continuously. The means by which this is attained is by taking heed to God’s Word. The ongoing practice is obeying the Word of God. It is being a doer of the Word. It is seeing who we really are in the mirror of the Word and seeking to live a life that has pure religion and is undefiled. The practices include hiding the Word of God in our heart. Our thoughts affect our motions. When my thoughts are in His Word, my motions are dictated by what I know that I must obey. As the psalmist said, we must seek the Lord with our whole heart. Our prayer is that we will not wander from His commandments. Remember, this is our ongoing practice. It is a daily regimen that we must commit ourselves to.
Is it possible to be Mr. Clean when it comes to a holy life? Yes, it is! We can be clean by taking heed to God’s Word. We can be clean by being sanctified spirit, soul, and body through the Word. It involves time in the Word. It involves meditation in the Word. It involves memorizing the Word. Don’t let sin ruin your life. Determine today to be a Mr. Clean through a life that is filled with God’s Word.
Bible Reading Schedule: Isaiah 28-30