Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again. ~2 Corinthians 5:15
Our Scripture this morning is a verse that defines the purpose of the Christian life. In essence, we are to live for Jesus! It is the means by which we walk by faith and not by sight. It is the stimulus that drives us to be ready to appear at the judgment seat of Christ. It is the evidence of having become a new creature in Jesus Christ. The purpose for every Christian is to live for Jesus.
“And that he died for all…which died for them.” The starting point of living for the Lord Jesus is the unchangeable fact that He died for every sinner. His death on the cross was the only act that could satisfy the righteous demands of God for sin. Justice for sin was paid in full through Jesus’ death. Through His death, Jesus GAVE His life for every sinner. There was no holding back or regrets. He went willingly and with great passion to the cross so that we could attain forgiveness of sins and become sons of God by believing in His sacrifice for us all.
“...Should not henceforth live unto themselves.” Living for Jesus demands that we die to self. We no longer live a life that is self-centered, self-enamored, or self-absorbed. Living for Jesus gives us purpose and reason for every day. It is no longer vainly trying to find significance through a career but in Christ! It is no longer vainly trying to find significance in a job but in Jesus! It is no longer vainly trying to find happiness in self but, rather, in the Savior! It is about what pleases the Lord! It is about lifting Jesus up and making Him look good. It is about doing everything for the glory of God.
Living for Jesus is a life that is truthful. Living for Jesus is a life that is holy. Living for Jesus is a life filled with service. Living for Jesus is walking in the Spirit. Living for Jesus is telling others the gospel message and seeing them come to Christ. Living for Jesus is making sacrifices for His glory. It is the love of Christ constraining us. It is a life of powerful living.
Living for Jesus is a decision: a substantial decision. It is substantial because it means no more living for self. It means no more straddling the fence. It means you will follow Jesus. It means wanting to do God’s will on earth as it is in Heaven. It means obeying God at any cost. It means living a life that is most satisfying and rewarding.
Living for Jesus is what Paul meant when he wrote, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Living for Jesus is a decision, but it is also a discipline. We must discipline our desires, our direction, and our disposition so that only Jesus is evident in our life. Are you living in the flesh or living for Jesus?
Bible Reading Schedule: 1 Chronicles 15-17