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A No Loss Record

Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today's Verse:

When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: for the LORD thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt…For the LORD your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you. ~Deuteronomy 20:1, 4


God was preparing Israel for the possession and takeover of the land of promise. It was occupied by nations that were pagan and extreme in their idol worship. These pagan nations heard about the miraculous means by which God gave Israel passage through the Red Sea and victories over nations that threatened them. In order to conquer the remaining land, there were battles to be fought. God knew that the sight of battle would be intimidating and fearful. This morning, we see strategic spiritual counsel that promises us continuous and consecutive victories. Here, we see how a Christian can have a no-loss record.

We see the terror of war.

The sight of the enemy in armor, horses, chariots, and being outnumbered in size makes our knees shake and our hearts faint. In spiritual warfare, the enemy will always outnumber us when we compare ourselves according to size and numbers. The five kings and their armies were more in number than Abraham and his meager 318 servants. The Midianites outnumbered Israel 120,000 to 300. The Assyrians outnumbered Hezekiah by a sizable number. War will frighten us. War will test our resolve. War brings out the worst in us. War reveals what kind of prayer life we have. War reveals how much faith we have. War reveals what kind of a leader we are to those we have influence over. What do the spiritual battles in your life reveal about you?

We see the truthful words.

God gave Moses and Israel words of confidence and comfort. First, God tells us to not be afraid of them. In our most desperate circumstances, two words stand out: fear not! In the storms of life: fear not. When a giant is shouting you down: fear not. When the task you are called to do looks impossible: fear not. Second, the Lord our God is always with us. God’s presence is never more real and closer than when our backs are against the wall and we feel like we are shut in. It is during these critical times God reveals Himself to us as Jehovah Sabbaoth, the Lord of Hosts. He is the Lord Who fights for us. Third, God always fights for us. Here is the secret to meeting the challenge head on and avoiding defeat: let God fight for you. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. God gives us truthful words to bolster us before the conflict arises.

We see the triumphant win.

In Deuteronomy 20, God promised a win every time. The pattern for approaching each battle would be the same. If the people of that city would not be at peace with Israel, they were to declare war against it. All males would be destroyed and the women and children taken captive. God wants us to have total victory and not partial victory in our battles. Each battle is fought the same. Any deviation from God’s instructions is folly and leads to defeat. God gives us the formula for a no-loss record against the enemy. We are more than conquerors through God.

Stop fighting your battles in your strength and power. Let God arise and the enemies be scattered. The horse is prepared against the day of battle, but safety is of the Lord.

Have a winning God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Hebrews 7-10


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