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Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, ~Luke 1:26


I am thankful for the angels of God. God has angels that protect us (Psalm 34:7). God has His angels that He sends to lead us (Exodus 23:20). God has His angels that He sends to open doors we cannot open (Acts 5:19). Angels are created spirit-beings who are also ministers of flames of fire. They worship God through singing and glorifying His holiness. They are mighty in power but subject unto Christ. They are also God’s messengers. They are called God’s sent ones. Angels had a significant role in the birth of Christ. This morning, we are studying one prominent angel whose name is Gabriel.

We see Gabriel in his authority.

Gabriel means “man of God.” He is seen in Scripture as God’s mighty messenger to individuals. In addition to being mighty in power, he holds the distinction of being an angel of great power who stands in the presence of God. His authority comes from God. Being in the presence of God continuously gave him this authority. As God’s messenger, there was an immediate fear in the hearts of those he was sent to. Preachers must remember that they must well-represent the authority vested in them by God.

We see Gabriel in his announcement.

He told Zacharias of the birth of John. He told Mary of the virgin birth of Jesus. He told Joseph that Mary would be the mother of Jesus, in fulfilling prophecy of the Messiah’s coming, and that Joseph should take Mary as his wife. There are important lessons from his announcements. First, in each case, he encouraged the hearers to have faith in God’s message. Preaching must move men to exercise faith in God. Second, in each case, he told his hearers to let God accomplish His purpose in their lives. In preaching, we must encourage our hearers to let God use them. No matter the circumstances or difficulties involved, we must allow the Lord to work in and through our weaknesses.

We see Gabriel and his accuracy.

Gabriel gave a truthful and accurate message. He said exactly what God sent him to say. For a message to be accurate, we must preach, “Thus saith the LORD.” We must not deviate from truth. Paul told the Thessalonians, “Stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught.” Don’t try to be creative and add your own twist. Don’t easily buy in to the comment or opinion of a commentator. When truth is proclaimed, it eliminates doubt about the content of the message.

We see Gabriel and his alleviation.

In all three cases, Gabriel told them, “Fear not.” Preachers must comfort the afflicted. People need to be encouraged that God loves them. They need to be encouraged that they can do what God commands them to do. They need to be encouraged that God is with them in whatever is being done. Strong messages must always have overtones of comfort and encouragement. God loves; God forgives; God will help; God is with you; God will provide; God gives strength.

We see Gabriel and his affirmation.

Mary, Zacharias, and Joseph were given extraordinary messages. Gabriel affirmed that God is all-powerful and that nothing is impossible with God. In preaching, every listener must be pointed back to God and encouraged that any sufficiency we have is all of God.

Have an encouraged God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Hebrews 1-6

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