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Writer's pictureAlan Fong

As Good as New

Today’s Verse:

He restoreth my soul: ~Psalm 23:3a


The word “restore” is defined as “to bring back to a former, original, or normal condition.” It also means “to bring back into existence, use, or like; to reestablish.” David said, “He restoreth my soul.” David testified of how the Lord, as our Great Shepherd, can make a weary, worn, and wasted soul as good as new again.

We see the rundown.

David was at a place in his spiritual life where he was anxious, depleted, empty, powerless, and wasted. He knew that his spiritual life was at rock bottom. He was a run-down soul. We can get that way when there is sin in our life. We can get that way when we are sidetracked in life. We can get that way when we are stubborn and hardened. David was spiritually run-down due to carelessness and neglect. We must be careful to know when our spiritual life is struggling and depleted. Be careful of being run-down in your soul.

We see the restoration.

It was at David’s neediest moment that the Lord took control and brought David’s soul out of the pit of depletion and despair. First, He came to David as his Shepherd. As his Shepherd, He made him to lie down in green pastures. In other words, the Lord brought David to the point that He made him eat where it would benefit his soul. As his Shepherd, the Lord gave him needed leadership; He led him to drink where there were still waters. Still water is dependable, non-tumultuous water that satisfies our thirst. Second, He came to David as his Sovereign. The Lord led David to paths of righteousness for the glory of God. Soul restoration is the work of God. It is the working of the Holy Spirit in a person who yields completely to the Lord to replenish, revive, and renew. Could it be that you are in need of soul restoration?

We see the result.

Once David had soul restoration, a number of things happened. His faith was restored. He said, “I will fear no evil.” The valley of the shadow of death did not make him anxious or scared. He found comfort in the rod and staff of his Great Shepherd. His favor was restored. His enemies could not hurt him. He had the approval of God on his life once again. His soul was overflowing in blessings and goodness. His focus was restored. He saw goodness and mercy following him all the days of his life. He saw himself living out his days serving the Lord. But, most importantly, he was restored in Who was first in his life. Depletion begins when the Lord is not in first place. In Psalm 23, it is all about the Lord. When David got this right, he did not need or desire anything else: he said, “I shall not want.”

David had his soul restored! David was as good as new. That’s what God does for us when sin is confessed and we give control back to Him. God does the restoring. Soul restoration is always a God work and not a self-work. Let the Great Shepherd make you perfect and complete, working that which is well-pleasing in His sight to the glory of God.

Have a restored God Morning!

Bible Reading: Acts 1-3

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