Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
He must increase, but I must decrease. ~John 3:30
One of the biggest challenges that all of us face in life is the problem of pride. We are challenged when we increase in our acumen, accumulations, accomplishments, and accolades. Our fleshly nature derives satisfaction and enjoyment when we hear good things said about us or are given praise for accomplishments. John the Baptist had attained a great following in a short period of time. The religious leaders of the day thought that John was the Christ. When asked about this, John made a statement that is commendable. He said, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” Jesus must be magnified, and I must become smaller and smaller. Bigger is better!
The biggest challenge that we must realize about us is that we have little faith. “O ye of little faith”! We have little faith to cross our Red Seas. We have little faith to trust God when our Cherith brook is dwindling in size. We have little faith to believe that the Goliaths in our life can be toppled with the weapons of faith. We have little faith to believe that we are safe in the storm. He must increase in our faith! We must give all of our challenges, problems, and struggles to Jesus and allow Him to increase our faith.
We live in a busy society. We commute long distances and get stuck in traffic. We have to work overtime at our job. Family demands and responsibilities do not diminish but increase. We have many things competing for fellowship time with the Lord. Pastors, full-time Christian workers, and everyone faces this challenge. He must increase in our fellowship. We cannot afford to spend less time, but more time, with the Lord.
By this, I mean that we are walking in the path that He wants us on, and not what we want to be on. If we are not careful, we can find ourselves going in a direction opposite of where the Lord wants us. "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD." Sometimes, the path leads us into a valley. Sometimes, it takes us to a hillside. Sometimes, it will take us through a fast-flowing river. Wherever it is, He must increase in our footsteps. Don’t take detours that are not on God’s roadmap.
We can become weary in well doing. We can become tired and fatigued from serving in the same place with the same people, doing the same things. We can be sleep deprived, work hard, and have a decrease in our energy. When these moments occur, we are tempted to quit serving the Lord, lessen our church attendance, and “take a break” from everything. It is during these critical moments that we need to stop and allow Christ to increase. Cast the burdens and cares upon Him, wait upon Him, and watch as your weary soul is replenished.
Our finances are a tool and responsibility by which the Lord is honored and glorified. Paul quoted the Lord Jesus as saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” You should be a tithing Christian. Then, you should accept the challenge of participating in the special offerings of the church, including giving to missions and the church building program. Do not allow yourself to succumb to the thought, “Someone else will do it.” Let that someone else be you!
No matter where we are in life, now is the time to realize that “he must increase.” It’s not about us: it’s about Him!
Bible Reading Schedule: Deuteronomy 11-13