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But I Have Prayed for Thee

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. ~Luke 22:32


When you are in legal trouble, you need the best defense attorney you can find and afford. As an attorney, he is ethically and morally bound to provide you with a strong defense and acquittal of the allegations and charges made against you. Our Lord Jesus Christ represents us as our Advocate with the Father and as our Mediator between God and man. Let us see, this morning, how our Lord Jesus helps us as our great Intercessor.

We see an insidious predator.

“And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.” Jesus told Peter, “Satan hath desired to have you.” Just a few verses earlier, we read that Satan entered into Judas. Satan walks about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. He is watching us and waiting for the moment of attack. He will shoot his fiery darts at us at all times of the day. He stalks us and attacks at our moment of weakness and vulnerability. Jesus said that Satan desires to sift us as wheat. Just like wheat is threshed to separate the kernel from the husk, Satan desires to sift, or hurt, us. He wants our service for the Lord to be ineffective and fruitless. If we give place to the devil, we become of no avail to ourselves and others.

We see an intercessory prayer.

“But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not.” Jesus is our great Intercessor. He ever liveth to make intercession for us. He prays for us all the time. He prays that our faith does not fail. He prays that we stay in God’s will. He prays that we will resist the devil. He prays that we are compliant and obedient to God. He prays that we do not succumb to the insidious attacks of Satan. Jesus never grows weary praying for us. Jesus prays for us endlessly. He prays for us lovingly. He prays that our faith is stronger. He prays that our faith is greater. He prays that our faith does not fail!

We see an invigorating priority.

“And when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.” In His prayers for us, Jesus wants us to help the brethren. First, He wants us to help them stay on track and be strong. Second, He wants us to be a strong and godly example of steadfastness and faith. Third, He wants us to stand alongside of those who are slipping and keep them from falling. Fourth, He wants us to be strong intercessors for the brethren. Epaphras labored earnestly in his prayers that the believers at Colossae would stand perfect and complete to do all the will of God.

I am thankful that Jesus prays for me. He is dependable and faithful in His praying. Don’t allow your circumstances or trials to discourage you: Jesus is praying for you. Robert Murray McCheyne said, “If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet, distance makes no difference. He is praying for me.”

Have a strengthened God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Exodus 19-21

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