Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. ~Matthew 4:19
Fishing is a skill that must be developed. Whether it be fishing for personal pleasure or commercial fishing, fishing is a skill that requires technique, know-how, timing, and patience. Every fisherman desires to bring home the catch of the day. We consider the catch of a fisherman important based upon size and species. Jesus changed the outlook for four fishermen when He told them one day, “Follow me, and I will make you fisher of men.”
Jesus saw Peter and John casting a net into the sea. They were men who were in business. They were men who were busy. Jesus is looking for men and women who are diligent and busy. He saw these men doing what they do best: fishing. So, He looked at them with unforgettable eyes and called them to follow Him. Jesus is still calling for fishers of men. The world is pictured as a large, expansive ocean. There are 8 billion people in this world, the majority of which are blinded by the darkness of sin. They are fish needing to be caught. Jesus is looking for believers who will seize the opportunity to cast a wide net and catch the souls of men who are dying and going to Hell. Could it be that today Jesus is walking by your boat and is calling you to join Him on a lifetime journey of catching souls who need Christ as their Savior?
Peter and John immediately left their nets and followed Him. They knew how to catch fish in the sea. They now needed to learn how to catch men. Jesus said, “Follow me.” This is an essential pattern. We must follow Him in passion, in perseverance, in patience and in power. It is not persuasive personalities that captures men and brings them into God’s kingdom. It is not slick programs that convert a soul. It is a passionate witness and preaching of God’s Word that brings men to the Lord. This is an established pattern. The gospel accounts of our Lord’s ministry teaches us “greater things shall ye do.” The blueprint for effectively winning souls is following Jesus.
"I will make you fishers of men." Can you imagine that thought? You will be used of God to bring men, women, and children to Jesus. Fast forward, and consider all of the fish Peter had a privilege to catch. There was the crowd on the Day of Pentecost. There was a lame man who sat by the gate called Beautiful. There were 5,000 who received the Lord because of the testimony of the lame man. There were the people of Samaria. There was Cornelius and his household. There were the people at Saron and Joppa. Peter lived to show fruit of the ministry that God gave him. He followed Jesus in His pattern, and many repented of their sins and called on the name of the Lord to be saved.
Every Christian is called to be a fisher of men. Every Christian can be a successful fisher of men. It’s time to leave our nets and follow Him. It’s time to follow His pattern and see greater things. Let’s go after sinners and pray for their salvations. It takes work and effort, but we should take the challenge on and move forward for the Lord. Enlist today as a fisher of men. Enroll into a class that will teach you the basics of presenting the gospel and how to develop a prospect. Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men!
Bible Reading Schedule: Isaiah 28-30