Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for to day I must abide at thy house. ~Luke 19:5
People who live in a multi-story home realize that in order to effectively communicate with one another, those on the upper floor must “come down” to speak with those on the lower floor. Zacchaeus climbed up a tree to get a view of Jesus. In his heart of hearts, his great desire was that he would be able to meet Jesus face-to-face, but to do this, he needed to come down. Let us see the importance of “coming down” in the Christian life.
Coming down implies bringing yourself to the level of another person. Sometimes, we can get to the place in life where we think we are above the rules. There are times in our life when we assume the spot of thinking that we are above others. Often times, we are guilty of being above the authority of the Word of God. Coming down implies we bring ourselves to the level of seeing others eye-to-eye.
Coming down means you are lowering yourself. Zacchaeus was beckoned by Jesus to come down. Up until that moment, Zacchaeus was a miserably proud man. He looked down on others and assumed a position that took advantage of them. In order to meet Jesus, he had to lower, or humble, himself. Humility is the greatly needed and often missing virtue in most lives. There is no humility until there is a descent.
One of the hardest decisions that we have to make is humbling ourselves. Unless we humble ourselves, we will not be on a favorable level with the Lord. A person cannot be saved unless there is humility. A person cannot see God working in his moments of difficulty unless he humbles himself. There is never a place of promotion until there is first a position of humility.
Coming down is the picture of a servant. Servants are always on ground level with others. Servants realize that the position that represents them is that of humility. Jesus “came down,” took upon Him the form of a Servant, and was made in the likeness of man, yet without sin.
We are told that Zacchaeus made haste, came down, and received Him joyfully. Zacchaeus got saved because he came down. Zacchaeus received special grace because he humbled himself under the mighty hand of God. Zacchaeus became a blessing to others because he came down to where others were and served them.
Are you ready to come down? Are you ready to come down from a lofty position and seek the Lord with all your heart? Are you ready to come down and acknowledge that God alone is worthy of your worship and adoration? Do like Zacchaeus and come down!
Bible Reading Schedule: Genesis 25-26