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Completely Saturated

Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. ~Colossians 3:16


If you have ever placed a cloth into a basin or container filled with some liquid substance, you know that within a period of time that cloth will become completely saturated. In other words, the entire cloth will be permeated with that liquid and will take on the color, odor, and viscosity of that substance. Saturation allows one substance to overtake and be in control over another property. Our devotion this morning emphasizes the importance of being saturated with the Word of God.

We see a diligent priority.

In order for the Word of Christ to dwell in us richly, we must make it a diligent priority to read, study, memorize, and meditate upon it. Whatever you give yourself wholly to will give the result that you ultimately want. No one who gave himself wholly to the Word of Christ to dwell in him has ever failed. This person is like a tree situated by the river banks where its roots have grown deeply into the rich sediment of the riverbed and draw from its nutrient. The key to the growth of the tree is how closely it is situated to the riverbed. The closer it is, the healthier it will be. Paul told Timothy to give himself wholly to the doctrine. How closely situated are you to God’s Word?

We see a devoted practice.

Those who saturate their souls with the Word of God put the Word of God into favorable practice. They respond to challenges, difficulties, and the enemy's assaults through the application of Scripture. They are people who, instead of relying on self, old wives' fables, and human traditions, position themselves to challenge one another through teaching and admonishing. Like David, they encourage themselves in the Lord and the Lord’s Word. They sing songs and hymns and spiritual songs that have a doctrinal and Christ-centered emphasis. Are you a teacher of God’s Word through your spirit, testimony, and words?

We see a dependable prevention.

The believers at Colossae had succumbed to false teachers who denied the deity of Christ and the validity of God’s Word. The result was carnal behavior, unrestrained desires, and conflict among each other. Their behavior indicated that many had drifted from being Word-saturated. When we are Word-saturated, we are transformed with grace in our heart to one another. Forgiveness, forbearance, denying sinful desires, and controlled speech are all possible because the grace content in our life is filled up. Moody said, “This book will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from this book.” Are you facing struggles with sin and people relations around you? It’s an indicator that your saturation content is in need of a filling.

We see a delightful product.

A life saturated with the Word of God is like a tree whose leaf does not wither; it brings forth its fruit in its season; and whatsoever is done prospers. Saturate your life with God’s Word and you will see improvements in your marriage, raising your children, a lessening of people conflicts, and victory over habitual sins. You will sleep better at night, and your problems will have a Biblical prescription every time. God’s Word produces people who are wise, prudent, understanding, and successful.

How much of God’s Word is saturating your life this morning? Give yourself wholly to allowing God’s Word to dwell in you richly in all wisdom.

Have a Word-filled God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Psalm 96-102


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