Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; ~Colossians 3:23
Whenever you do something, do you give your best? Booker T. Washington said, “Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.” Henry Kissinger told of a Harvard professor who had given an assignment and was collecting the papers. He handed the papers back the next day and at the bottom of one was written, "Is this the best you can do?" The student thought, "No," and redid the paper. It was handed in again, and received the same comment. This went on ten times, until finally the student said, "Yes, this is the best I can do." The professor replied, "Fine, now I'll read it" (Henry Kissinger, The White House Years). Let us consider the importance of giving our best effort to God in everything.
In Colossians 3, Paul was giving basic Christian life instruction to the believers at Colossae. Many of them were adversely influenced by false teachers who were tearing up the doctrines of God’s Word. This affected their focus on living victorious lives for the Lord. They had struggles overcoming the works of the flesh. They had conflicts with other Christians. Paul emphasized the importance of serving heartily or with all of your heart. Giving your best is giving 101%. We are serving the Lord Christ. As God’s people, our testimony must reflect that we are doing what we do because it’s unto the Lord. Is your heart into what you do?
We are doing it unto the Lord and not unto men. What a difference it makes when we remember that, whatever we do, it is to the Lord. Most of our people issues could be resolved quickly and satisfactorily if we kept this motive in mind. Let’s be true and steadfast about this principle. Let us leave the works of the flesh as unto the Lord. Let us forgive, and be at peace with all men as unto the Lord. Let us put an end to quarrelling as unto the Lord. Let us work at our marriages, parenting, and obedience at home as to the Lord. Coaches of athletic teams always remind their teams, “Play to win!” How much more should we serve to win the Lord’s approval. Are you serving and living as to the Lord, or is it for the praise of men?
We must live by a schedule. The psalmist prayed, “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” We must keep short accounts with people. When we are in the wrong, confess it, and make amends quickly. When the other person is wrong, take the high road, and accept responsibility for reconciliation, even if it is not your fault. Abraham told Lot, “We be brethren.” Do things to be a blessing. Be polite, courteous, and kind always. Develop the good habit of writing thank-you notes and letting others know that you are praying for them. At the end of each day, assess what you did for the Lord.
When we give our best, there is a promised reward. “Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.” The Lord is watching us. He knows if we are doing our best. He knows if we are doing what we do as to men or as to the Lord. Strive to please the Lord by doing your best.
Be a Christian who excels at everything. Always remind yourself that you can do better and give your best. Let’s be removed from half-hearted service, and do it heartily!
Bible Reading Schedule: Psalm 17-20