Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do. ~Acts 9:6
Obedience is doing exactly what you have been told to do. It is fulfilling the demands of a superior to whom one is responsible to. One of the first things that the parents of a newborn baby must do is to teach the child to obey them. Basic things such as listening to the parent’s voices and observing what they are told to do the first time when a command is made are essentials in learning to obey. Learning to be obedient can keep a person out of serious trouble. The same can be said about the Christian life. This morning, we are looking at the importance of obedience.
Saul said, “Lord.” He knew it was the Lord Who was speaking to him. The word for Lord implies one who is master and owner. The relationship that a believer has to God is one of reverence and respect. We show the greatest respect to God through our obedience. Before we were saved, Satan was our father. At the moment of salvation, God becomes our heavenly Father and also our Lord. Saul realized at his moment of salvation, Jesus became his Lord.
“Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” Obedience requires us to be completely compliant with the commands of our Lord. His Word is not to be ignored or changed to fit our desires. Partial obedience is still disobedience. Disobedience is rebellion and subject to punishment. Obedience requires surrender. We do not allow our preferences and reservations to interfere with what we have been commanded to do. Obedience is signing your name at the bottom of a blank piece of paper and allowing God to write out what it is that He wants us to do.
"And Saul arose from the earth." Saul was immediate in his obedience. There was no interruption in his obedience. There was the utmost respect. We are told that he was trembling and astonished. Sometimes the command we are given is unveiled in stages. Even so, we are to obey each step of the command. When we obey, we are showing complete faith in the Word that has been given to us. Saul was told he had to go the city, and it would be told him there what he must do. Saul learned that instead of him giving the orders, it was him receiving orders.
Arabian horses are trained rigorously in the Middle Eastern deserts. The horses must learn to fully obey their master. This obedience is tested by depriving the horses of water for many days and then turning them loose near water. As the horses get to the edge of the water, the trainer blows his whistle. If the horses have learned to obey, they turn around and come back to the trainer, who then gives them as much water as they need. The trainer knows what his horses need and will not allow them to die of thirst, but they must trust him. God knows what His children need and wants to supply it, but we must trust and obey Him (Source: The One Year Men of the Bible, James Stuart Bell).
Are you completely obedient to the Lord? Do you find yourself completely compliant with His commands, or do you sometimes try to find ways to alter what you are told to do to fit your preferences? Obedience is difficult when our desires conflict with His desire. Take time today to die to self and to practice complete obedience.
Bible Reading Schedule: 2 Samuel 4-7