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Does the Shoe Fit?

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? ~Psalm 15:1


Does the shoe fit? We use this idiomatic phrase to inquire if what has been said aptly describes us. In our devotion this morning, David is asking a very deep and probing question. He is asking, “Who is the man that qualifies to fellowship with God?” What are the requirements for entering into the presence of God? There are many men who proclaim that they are righteous, but what man is there who qualifies to abide in God’s holy presence? Who is the spiritual man?

The spiritual man is known by his capitulation.

By this, I am referring to the submission of the man. Psalm 15:1 starts off with “LORD.” Is Jesus Lord over every aspect of our life? Does He possess the key to every room of our life? Lordship is always the primary criterion of a true spiritual life. When the question of Lordship is settled, everything else falls into place. Is Jesus Lord of your life?

The spiritual man is known by his conduct.

“He that walketh uprightly....” Here is a man who takes the high road in his conduct. His life depicts biblical obedience. He has established boundaries and does not venture into areas that will get him in trouble or cause him be a stumbling block to others. This is a man who is not shadowy or causing questions in the mind of others. He is upright and honoring to God.

The spiritual man is known by his candor.

“...Speaketh the truth in his heart.” For truth to be evident in our life, it must be a dominant virtue within us. Where dishonesty, untruthfulness, and deceit lie, that man cannot be trusted. We live in an age where truth decay abounds. Our generation greatly needs men who are men of truth. The absence of truth is the presence of dishonesty.

The spiritual man is known by his conversation.

“He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.” He is not controlled by sins of speech. He is not making his objective the tearing down of other people. One of David’s biggest struggles was the many people in his kingdom who spoke evil of him and made him appear to be a vile man. Don’t expect God to receive you into His presence when sins of speech are evident in your life.

The spiritual man is known by his consecration.

“In whose eyes a vile person is contemned....” He does not consort or fellowship with those whose life is filthy, defiled, or ungodly. He is not following the counsel of the ungodly, nor standing in the way of sinners, nor sitting in the seat of the scornful. In addition, he is not one who takes advantage of others. He is a man of conviction who would rather suffer in his faith than be accused of being unrighteous.

The spiritual man is known for his closeness.

This man abides in God’s tabernacle and holy hill. Not only does he delight in being in God’s presence, God Himself is pleased to have this man before Him!

True spirituality is a matter of living out a life surrendered and set apart for God. There are strict requirements, but when the shoe fits, it is a comfortable fit! Make sure the shoe fits for you!

Have an honorable God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Luke 21-22


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