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Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

She hath done what she could: she is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying. ~Mark 14:8


Of the many commendations that someone can make of us, the commendation that we did our best is one of great satisfaction. Knowing that we gave our best effort and our excellence at something and that we did it right the first time is greatly gratifying. This morning, we want to consider the words of our Lord Jesus when He said of Mary of Bethany, “She hath done what she could.”

She made the most of her appearance.

Jesus was an invited Guest to a dinner at the house of Simon the Leper. Simon was healed of his leprosy, and he wanted Jesus to come to his home for a meal. Mary found out about this dinner and made it her priority to travel there to see Jesus. She did not have to, but she wanted to. Many times, our flesh may not be willing to go somewhere for the Lord, but we go anyway because we are supposed to. Mary made the most of this opportunity to fellowship with Jesus. Make the most of being with Jesus! Make the most of your Bible reading and prayer time! Make the most of your church attendance!

She made the most of her appreciation.

Mary did not go to Simon’s house just for dinner; she went there primarily to show her appreciation for Jesus. Jesus had given her brother Lazarus a second chance at life. In fact, Lazarus was at that dinner, sitting as close to Jesus as possible. She brought an alabaster box that contained an expensive ointment to anoint Jesus. She wanted to express her appreciation by giving her best gift to Jesus. Make the most in showing your appreciation for what God has done for you. Take extra time in your devotions to give Him thanks. Go to the altar at the invitation time for the sole purpose of thanking the Lord for His goodness. Take an equal amount of time to show your appreciation as you do in bringing your requests to God!

She made the most of her application.

She broke the alabaster box. She did not keep this box to herself. In breaking it, it symbolized a life that had been broken and dependent upon the Lord. She poured out the entire contents of oil on Jesus. This oil was equivalent to a year’s wages. She poured it out to show Jesus that she believed in Who He was and the sacrifice of His life for our sins. Her action depicted incredible sacrifice. Her action depicted an incredible faith in His Person and power. Her action depicted an incredible love for Jesus. Materially, she would get nothing back in return. He commended what she did as “a good work on me.” When Jesus entered Simon’s house, everyone wanted Jesus' attention, but no one took note of the special care that could have been exercised on Him. No one washed His feet. No one gave Him oil for His forehead. Most of the people in that house were there for what they could get out of Jesus instead of what they could give to Jesus!

“She hath done what she could” ! Are you doing all that you can? Are you doing all that you can with your time, talent, and treasures? Are you making the most of your opportunities?

Have a worship-filled God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Numbers 33-34


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