Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
Today’s Verse:
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, ~Jude 1:24
One of the most difficult experiences for us to go through in life is failure. Failure is when we do not meet an expectation, do not make the cut, do not meet the minimum requirements, or we just mess up. Failure can be demoralizing and lead to countless insecurities. Failure in the Christian life is when we disappoint our Lord. However, in our devotion this morning, we see a word of assurance that is given to us to help us be fail-safe. It is the realization of our faith and trust in our Lord’s presence in our life.
We see our Lord, Who prevails.
“Now unto him that is able….” The opening words remind us that our Lord is able! This means that He is all-powerful. This means that there is nothing that He cannot do. He is able and not disabled! He is able and not unable! He is able, regardless of the circumstances. He is able, regardless of how large the foe is. He is able because He is Creator God. He is able because He is Almighty God. He is able because He is Saviour God. He is able because He is only God! The Lord prevails over tragedies, traitors, trends, and trepidations. Let us remember that we are fail-safe because our Lord prevails.
We see our Lord and His prevention.
“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling….” “Falling” also means “stumbling.” “Stumbling” or “falling” has the idea of tripping on an object that you did not see; it implies walking in darkness and being unsure of where you are walking; it can also mean tripping over your own feet. Jude speaks about scorners, mockers, and false teachers who try to deceive and pressure us with false doctrine, unbiblical lifestyle practices, and compromised acceptances. However, no matter how strong the pressure, how great the mockery, and how much they get in our face, our Lord can keep us from falling. When we build ourselves upon our most holy faith, pray in the Holy Ghost, keep ourselves in the love of God, and compassionately win souls, the Lord keeps us from stumbling in our faith and on our faces.
We see the Lord and His presentation.
“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.” Not only is our Lord able to keep us from falling, but He is able to keep us faultless at the coming of the Lord. Every believer will stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Our Lord desires that we stand before Him and give a good account of our life and works for Him. Being found faultless means that we did not succumb to the pressures of compromise and doctrinal error. We only have one presentation at the Judgment Seat of Christ: may it be one that is faultless in our decisions, doctrine, duty, and devotion. This is the ultimate in being fail-safe: that we are faultless at His coming!
We see the Lord, Who is preeminent.
“To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.” Let us remember that being kept fail-safe is for the glory of God. His kingdom shall reign. His glory will be manifested. He’s the only wise God.
Don’t let the fear of failure lead you astray. Have faith in Him Who is able to keep you from falling and to keep you faultless.
Have a fail-safe God Morning!
Bible Reading Schedule: Daniel 1-3