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First Love

Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today's Verse:

And Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they seemed unto him but a few days, for the love he had to her. ~Genesis 29:20


Jacob’s mother and father sent him away to his mother's brother so that he would find a wife. Jacob came to a well where providentially he met Rachel. It was love at first sight for Jacob. The moment his eyes saw her, he knew that she was the one whom he should marry and spend the rest of his life with. In our devotion this morning, Jacob’s love for Rachel teaches us great lessons about first love, and specifically first love to Jesus.


We see the start in first love.

First love began with an introduction and acceptance for Jacob. He was told that Rachel was coming to the well he was resting at. His love journey began at a well. When he saw her, he was confirmed in his heart that she was the one whom he would give his heart to. First love in the Christian life begins when we place our faith in Jesus Christ as Savior. It is realizing that we love Him because He first loved us. From the moment Jesus becomes your Savior, He committed Himself to you as your Savior, Lord, and Protector. We are to love Him unreservedly and with all of our heart. Do you remember the starting point of first love with Jesus?


We see the stimulation in first love.

The shepherds at the well were waiting for all the flocks to arrive and for someone to move the stone that covered it. When Rachel came near, Jacob arose and moved the massive stone that covered the well by himself. First love stimulates us to do what others will not do. First love is stimulated to do incredible acts. First love knows no boundaries when a need arises. First love never takes a day off, nor does it take off on holidays. It is contrary to sensual love, which is selfish and self-serving. Does your love for Jesus stimulate you to do extraordinary things for Jesus?


We see the seal in first love.

Jacob goes to Rachel’s home to meet her father and ask for his permission to take her as his wife. He wanted to seal his love with her for his lifetime. He wasn’t interested in just a courtship: he wanted her to know that she was the only woman for him as his wife. We must realize that our relationship with Jesus is not an occasional date that we go on when we feel like it. Love for Jesus is the sealing of our heart's affection and commitment to Him. The seal in first love is keeping His commandments. Jesus said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”


We see the service in first love.

“And Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they seemed unto him but a few days, for the love he had to her. Jacob was willing to serve seven years for Rachel’s hand in marriage. This service was rigorous service. This service was unremunerated service. This service meant he would be available anytime and anywhere as required. His service was undivided and without reservation. Do you serve Jesus with that kind of love? Will you give Him the best moments of your day, the best years of your life, and the best effort in each endeavor? When you love like Jacob did for Rachel, your service is unmatched.


We see the sentiment in first love.

Notice, the seven years he served for her seemed to him like just a few days. He counted down the days to be with Rachel. Time went by quickly. His love for her was not dragged out, nor something he did not look forward to. We need that kind of sentiment for the Lord! Our love for Jesus should be without pretense. It should be with passion and intensity. The sentiment should be that we cannot wait to serve Him and be with Him. Serving Jesus is analogous to walking down the aisle to be presented to Him for the wedding. It is worth the work, the walk, and the wait.


How’s your first love? Let Jacob’s love for Rachel inspire you to recover your first love for Jesus!


Have a love-filled God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Psalm 90-95


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