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Game Changers

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today's Verse:

The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men, Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ? ~John 4:28-29


The world of sports is filled with amazing athletes who have redefined their sport or impacted the result of a game. We refer to these athletes as “game changers.” The skill, presence, and precision of a game changer is the difference maker in everything. The Bible contains the true and factual testimonies of game-changing situations. All of these game-changing situations were because of the presence and power of our Lord. Jesus Christ is the true game changer in every life. This morning, we are looking at one very special game-changing moment that happened in the life of a woman who lived in Samaria.

We see this woman and her past.

The woman of Samaria epitomized a life that was defeated, discouraged, and in the mud. She was a woman who was very insecure. She had five failed marriages and was living with a man who was not her husband. She was withdrawn from social contact with others. She had superficial relationships at best, and most likely was taken advantage of by other people, especially men. Deep down in her heart, she was discouraged and despised the life she lived. Is your past filled with grief and pain? Is your life one where you want to avoid contact with people? Are you ashamed and embarrassed at bad decisions you wished you had never made? Are you living such a defeated life that you don’t feel like living?

We see this woman and a Person.

This woman had a meeting that would change her life. She met the greatest game changer ever: the Lord Jesus Christ! Jesus changed her completely within and without. Jesus changed her through love. His loving, yet firm, conversation with her helped her to see that she was spiritually dried up and depleted. She needed the water of life to change her. Jesus changed her through forgiveness. This woman had a hard time dealing with the sins in her life. Jesus confronted her, but Jesus also forgave her. When Jesus forgives, He forgives us of our past, present, and future sins. Jesus changed her future outlook. She entered the family of God through faith in Him and secured her place in Heaven. Instead of being a scourge in Samaria, she became a soulwinner in Samaria. The game changer for every life is Jesus Christ!

We see this woman and a power.

Jesus' power changed her forever. In sports, a game-changing moment is short-lived and most often something that will never be repeated. The power of Jesus Christ keeps on changing and is repeated over and over again. His game-changing power overcomes our insecurities. His game-changing power overcomes our fears. His game-changing power gives us courage to witness about what He has done for us. Her testimony was, “Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?” His game-changing power is perpetually sustainable. Her witness led to a continued transformation of the lives of the men who lived in Samaria.

Is your “game” stuck and heading towards failure? Is your life at a place of uncertainty and insecurity? If so, the power of the Lord Jesus Christ is the game changer you need. Acknowledge to the Lord your need of Him, and watch as things change for His glory and your outlook.

Have a dynamic God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Luke 2-3

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