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Go Forward!

Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today's Verse:

And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward: ~Exodus 14:15


In addition to being a book of great instruction, the Bible is the incredible record of the mighty acts of God. God is a God of miracles! God desires that we experience His mighty hand in our life and see the great things of God at work in us. Exodus 14 is the record of one of the greatest miracles that God performed. It was a one-of-a-kind miracle. It was a miracle that validated God’s power. It was a miracle that has an unchanging message for us in the walk of faith. That message is that we must go forward!

We see the intimidating concern.

The Israelites had left Egypt as free men after 400 years of bondage. The Egyptians had second thoughts about letting Israel go free and pursued after them with a mighty army and hundreds of chariots. Israel was at the shoreline of the Red Sea. The location is described as place where they were shut in (v. 3). The Egyptian army was approaching very closely, and the Red Sea was in front of them, which humanly was impossible to cross by foot or by swimming. Israel was intimidated with fear for their safety. They were “sore afraid” and extremely anxious. God many times has to place us in a situation where we feel like we are shut in and have nowhere to go. It will be an experience that causes us to be filled with fear and intimidation by our circumstances. Will God help us? Will we make it out of this situation alive? Is there hope beyond where we are at?

We see the inspiring command.

God told Moses and Israel to stop crying and “go forward”! God had already promised Moses and the people that they would leave Egypt and nevermore see their faces. God was telling them to stop listening to the sounds that were intimidating and look ahead to what God would do. Going forward means we keep moving and do not look back. Let us go forward in faith, nothing doubting. Let us go forward in prayer without ceasing. Let us go forward in courage that God is on our side. Let us go forward in unity as the people of God and members of our local New Testament church. Let us go forward in winning souls and starting churches that impact our nation and the world. Let us go forward in building up our most holy faith. Let us go forward in loving God, loving people and doing the will of God from our hearts. Going forward is the solution when things are dark. Going forward is the alternative to failure. Going forward is always abounding in the work of the Lord.

We see the invincible conclusion.

"And Israel saw the great work which the LORD did upon the Egyptians." The parting of the Red Sea would be the most talked-about performance for many hundreds of years by the Canaanite nations and the nation of Israel. It is a lively reminder that God is forever on His throne. It is a testimony of His matchless power. It is the validation of God’s promises that never fail us. When the waters of the Red Sea were parted and became two walls and the ground became dry, the people experienced the greatness of a God Who does not fail. When the waters returned to their previous state and covered the Egyptian army and its chariots leaving none alive, they realized that no foe is any match for God. Our God is a great and mighty God!

Are you at a place where you feel shut in? Are you weary and worried from the burdens you have been carrying? Then, it’s time to listen to God’s voice and go forward. Have faith in God, and go forward in assurance that the victory is already yours.

Have a “go forward” God Morning!


Bible Reading Schedule: Daniel 7-9


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