Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. ~Psalm 34:19
As we go through life, we experience adversity and trouble. None of us enjoy problems, especially problems with no immediate solution. The psalmist teaches that we will go through many afflictions. However, God has a divine purpose for afflictions. We are encouraged that the Lord promises to deliver us out of them all.
Afflictions are the trials, troubles, and difficulties that we face in this life. All of us have to deal with the reality of losses. These losses include the loss of a loved one, the loss of our health, the loss of our jobs, and many other losses. We have to deal with unexpected problems that we cannot control. Things come our way where all we can do is wait and pray for the best. I think about a thirty-year-old wife and young mother who was unexpectedly diagnosed with a brain tumor. This affliction rearranged the goals and aspirations that she and her husband had. Afflictions cause fear, pain, grief, and much anxiety. The psalmist said, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous.” They are real, and there will be many.
Afflictions are God’s gifts to us. James said to “count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations.” They are the gifts that God has entrusted to us to teach us how to have faith in God. Testings are meant to bring out the best in us. The fiery trials that we go through are meant to burn away the dross of sin that we have. They are meant to help draw us closer to the Lord through prayer and the Word. We learn what it means to place our complete faith in the Lord for our needs. Afflictions are necessary tools to cause us to remember that we are never more in control of our situation than when we have God at the helm of our ship.
We are to steward our afflictions to the glory of God. As one preacher said, “Don’t waste your trial!” Being responsible in our affliction includes spending time in prayer. It includes waiting on the Lord. It means much confession of our sins and asking God for His mercies. It includes maintaining our service, soulwinning, and sacrifices to God even though we may not feel like it. It means being transparent in our relationships with others. It means letting others minister to us so that we might remember that we are not as self-sufficient as we think we are. It is being thankful for the next step and each morning. It means letting God arise in your trial so that our enemies are scattered.
“But the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” God always makes us a way out of our trials. It might not be the way that we would like it to be done, but it is God’s way and the best way. The idea of deliverance implies being content in God’s method of deliverance. It implies that God is in control of our circumstance. God is bigger than our affliction. God strengthens us in our affliction. God shows us His perfect will in our affliction. God makes us a better Christian in our affliction.
Read Psalm 34 and contemplate why the Lord sends us afflictions, how He delivers us in our afflictions, and His perfection in our afflictions. Have faith in God in spite of the hurt and uncertainties. In the end, He will make a way.
Bible Reading Schedule: 1 Chronicles 6-8