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Going to Arabia

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today's Verse:

Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus. ~Galatians 1:17


Most people have a favorite place that they enjoy going to. It could be a vacation spot. It could be a place where a daily walk or run is done. Wherever it may be, it is a place where a person finds refreshment and clarity for his thinking. Shortly after Paul was converted to Christianity and received his calling, he went on a sequester to Arabia. Paul looked back on his time in Arabia as a life-changing time. Following Paul’s example, it is important that we find our Arabia that will shape and mold us into a person whom God can use.


Arabia was a place of desert.

Desert places were life-changing places for many people in the Bible. Moses had his desert place. Elijah had his desert place. Jesus had His desert place. The desert place is a place of seclusion. It is a place of separation. It is a place for soul-searching. It is a place where the streams flow for their spiritual life.


Arabia was a place of devotion.

This was a place where Paul could spend isolated and unrushed time alone with God. It was where God’s Word spoke to him hour after hour and drew him closer to God. It was where Paul drew close to God in prayer. His prayer life was forged while he was in Arabia. It was there where for the first time, God was very real in his life. Before he went to Arabia, Paul was too busy for God. There in Arabia, he learned that God does not build us in commitment and communion quickly. He learned that devotion to God is never rushed and in a hurry. Paul spoke of conferring with no man after his conversion, but rather going to Arabia. Though he conferred with no man, there in Arabia he conferred with the Lord. Every Christian needs an Arabia in order to develop a closeness and nearness to the presence of God.


Arabia was a place of denial.

It was a place where Paul learned to die to self. He learned the crucified life while in Arabia. He learned that pride, ego, and selfishness has to die for the servant of God. What happened in Arabia gave us vital instruction on dying to self in Romans 6, Galatians 2 and 6, and Colossians 3. Men who are dead to self are not easily offended. In fact, they are not offended at all! Men who are dead to self have no agendas: Christ is their goal and agenda. Dying to self is the only way we can overcome the battle against lust, anger, annoyance, and attitude issues. Every Christian needs an Arabia in order to learn to death to self.


Arabia was a place of definition.

This is where Paul was shaped and defined for the ministry God that had for him. In v. 12, he spoke of receiving his training from a direct revelation of God. He received his marching orders and understood the vision that God had for him to preach the gospel to the Gentiles. Paul was being defined as a church planter, pastor, preacher, mentor, and leader among leaders. He was being defined as the chief spokesman for Christianity in the first century. He was being defined as the pioneer missionary and church planter. It was there where he developed a Spirit-filled boldness for the gospel. It is in your Arabia where God defines you to be the person He can use for His glory.


Do you have an Arabia for your life? What can God do through your life if you had a personal Arabia where devotion, denial, and definition can occur? Find your Arabia where God can make you the person He wants you to be.


Have a life-changing God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Judges 10-12

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