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Hazardous Work

Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. ~Acts 15:26


What do you consider to be hazardous work? Being a firefighter can be hazardous work. Being a scientist who works with chemicals and radioactive material is hazardous work. Working on an oil rig in the ocean is hazardous. There are many hazardous types of work. James said in Acts 15:26 that serving the Lord Jesus Christ is hazardous. That might frighten us at first glance, but what he said was a qualifier concerning the reputations of Judas and Silas: men that have hazarded their lives for the Lord Jesus Christ.

We see the risky.

The Greek word for hazarded is also translated betrayed, delivered up, prison, and given. In each case, the meaning means to risk one’s life at what he does. Men that have hazarded their lives implies they had suffered before the Lord. It means they counted the cost and were willing to suffer for our Lord, even to the point of death. In our modern-day Christianity, we have little to no risk in serving our Lord. However, the first-century Christians risked loss of family, job, friends, and life. We tend to be risk-averse when it comes to our Lord Jesus, but the greatest approval we can attain is being willing to put something at risk for the sake of our Lord.

We see the ready.

Judas and Silas were men who were ready when it came to serving the Lord. They were ready to serve, to preach, to win souls, and, even, to suffer. In Acts 21:13, Paul told the disciples, “For I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.” He told Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:6, “For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.” As disciples of our Lord, we must be ready at all cost to do what the Lord wants us to do.

We see the resilient.

Men that have hazarded their lives for the Lord Jesus are tough as nails. They are not afraid to exercise faith. They are not afraid to start a new work. They are not afraid to stand before a hostile crowd. They are not easily discouraged. They do not get easily offended. They might be threatened, but they persist in the work. Paul says the following about being resilient: “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.” Men who have moved this world have always been men whom the world could not move.

We see the recommended.

Judas and Silas were recommended to accompany Paul and Barnabas back to Antioch to encourage the disciples concerning the faith once delivered to the saints. There was commendation in this recommendation. This means they were being sent with the highest recommendation. There was credibility in this recommendation. Their testimony and boldness testified of their worthiness to represent the message. There was Christlikeness in this commendation. They hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus. They testified by their lives that they loved our Lord and counted it worthy to suffer for His name. These men were Christlike in service and suffering. We need Christians who will hazard their lives for our Lord: men and women who will go to extremes in representing our Lord. Will you accept the hazards of living all-out for Jesus?

Have a courageous God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Song of Solomon 1-8


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