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He Hideth My Soul

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by: ~Exodus 33:22


Our devotion this morning centers on the importance of the nearness of our relationship with God. So often, we speak of a relationship with God but seldom emphasize the nearness that we need in that relationship. Nearness speaks of closeness. Closeness speaks of likeness. No relationship with God attains its best potential until we seek the closeness of God’s presence. Let us see the importance of a having an increased closeness in our walk with God.

We see Moses and a fervent desire.

God told Moses that He wanted him to lead the children of Israel into the Land of Promise. However, the sin of the people and the continued hardness of heart resulted in God telling Moses that His presence would go from them. Moses knew that apart from God’s presence, they could not succeed. So, Moses asked the Lord to show him His glory. He asked for something that most of us do not even think of asking for: “Shew me thy glory.” Moses had been on the mountain with God. Moses met God at the door of the tabernacle. If any man alive knew anything of the presence of God, Moses did. Yet, Moses cried, “Show me thy glory”! He wanted to see the Lord in the beauty of His holiness. He wanted the divine effulgence to encompass him. Moses desired closeness to God unlike any other time he had previously. Do you desire such closeness to God that your prayer says, “Show me thy glory”?

We see Moses and a faithful disclosure.

God told Moses, “I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy.” In this statement, Moses was informed how God’s glory would be revealed to him. God said that He would manifest His glory through His goodness, His grace, and His mercy. This should encourage you and me that God manifests His glory to us in the same way. We tend to ignore or be oblivious to God’s working in our lives. Look for His goodness, grace, and mercy in, through, and around us.

We see Moses and a fatal denial.

God told Moses that he could not see His face and live. God had to be very strict with Moses concerning the priority and privilege of His glory. On this side of Heaven, no man is capable of seeing the glory of God. Our sinful flesh is unable to comprehend and grasp the greatness of God’s holiness. This privilege is reserved until we get to Heaven when we, in our glorified state, will be able to see Him as He is. God had unfinished business through Moses, and He was not ready for Moses to spend eternity with Him. He could experience God’s glory but not see His face. Let us be reminded that when God reveals Himself to us, it is to manifest that He is a holy and righteous God.

We see Moses and a fortifying declaration.

God told Moses that He would take him and hide him in the cleft or crevice of the rock and cover him with His hand when He passed by. God was telling Moses, “You can see me, but only under a suitable covering to protect you from death. You will see enough of Me to know that you have been in My presence.” Thus, God was hiding Moses to draw him closer to Him. God does the same for us. He hides our dried and shriveled up souls in the cleft of the rock so that we can enjoy His goodness as He passes by. Moses had such a closeness to God that he spoke with Him as a friend speaks to his friend.

Delight yourself wherever God places you in order to be satisfied with a closeness of Him. Desire such closeness that you will see your life changed into His likeness.

Have a close God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Psalm 140-145


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