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I Can Read You

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men: ~2 Corinthians 3:2


How good are you at reading someone’s body language? In sports, players are required to have a trained eye at being able to read plays and anticipate what the opponent might do. In business or interview situations, the ability to read someone’s body language reveals what they are really conveying as their message. Are they truthful or telling a lie? Do they want advice or affirmation? Paul told the Corinthian believers that other people could tell how much the Corinthians meant to Paul by the epistle written in his heart. Paul said that this epistle was read and known of all men. Our Christian testimony is known and read of all men.

There is the importance of our testimony.

The Bible uses the metaphors of salt and light to describe our testimony. Salt is used as a savoring for food. Our testimony is to make people thirsty for the gospel and the saving power of the Lord Jesus. As light, we can shine brightly and point people to Jesus or we can be blinding and keep them from Jesus. Our testimony is an open book that tells the real story about who we are. Our testimony is how we conduct ourselves among the people we walk with every day. Do not underestimate the power of your testimony. The other day, one of our leaders sadly remarked to me how a Christian from his church displayed impatience and anger in front of an unbeliever who the leader has been trying to show a good testimony to. Needless to say, the unbeliever shook his head at what he saw, and the testimony for the Lord saw a setback.

There is the integrity of our testimony.

Our testimony should be blameless and harmless. We are not neon signs, but we are lights that should shine brightly. Christians should not lie. We live in a day where Christians appear to have no conscience about lying to one another. Christians should be honest in all their dealings. Give a full and complete representation. Have a thankful spirit and be careful of murmuring and complaining. Never say things to a weak believer that could lead this person to stumble in his walk with God. Christians should deal with “just weights and measures.” Let us be the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse world.

There is the inefficacy of our testimony.

“Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men.” How do people, saved and unsaved, read you? Most adults draw a conclusion about you within minutes of meeting you. A failed testimony is a detriment to the cause of Christ. A failed testimony cannot bring a sinner to Christ. A failed testimony is a blemish to the name of Christ. After Peter cursed, swore, and denied his association to Jesus three times, the cock crew and then he saw the eyes of our Lord. Peter went out and wept bitterly. He wept because he showed how foolish and sinful he was. He wept also because the lost people that he said those things to wondered what kind of disciple this was. Be careful of having a weak, watered-down, and lost testimony.

There is the inspiration from our testimony. People must read the Lord Jesus Christ in us. We are open books that testify of Christ’s saving power. Our testimony should inspire the saved to live for Jesus and the unsaved to come to Jesus.

People can read you. Let’s make sure that we are a good book for them to read!

Have a blameless God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: 1 Chronicles 1-2

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