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I'm Sorry

Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today's Verse:

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. ~Psalm 51:17


In teaching proper etiquette to children (adults could benefit from this as well), we teach them appropriate verbal responses such as "please," "thank you," "yes sir," "no sir," and "I’m sorry." Of all the phrases that many adults have a difficult time saying, the last one is the hardest: "I’m sorry." This statement is an admission of something wrong that a person wants to make right. It is taking responsibility for an accident, a mistake, an error, a hurt, and a sin. If we were to sum up what David was saying in Psalm 51, especially in v. 17, he was saying “I’m sorry.”


We see the grossness of sin.

David had committed a number of sins, but two of them were very heinous sins that resulted in his immoral behavior and the death of an innocent man. He tried to conceal it for a few months, but he was eventually confronted. After being chastened, he realized how terrible his sin was. There is no such thing as little sins and big sins. Some sins have more serious consequences as far as punishment might be concerned, but every sin is an affront to a holy and righteous God. David felt filthy and dirty because of his sin. David had a bothered conscience because of his sin. David knew his fellowship with God had been broken. David knew that he greatly offended God and caused grief to the Lord. Sin is always tainting, terrible and terrorizing.


We see the character of godly sorrow.

David was truly sorry for his sins. He had godly sorrow or great penitence in his heart. Godly sorrow produces a great remorse of heart. We feel terrible and desire to make right with God and whoever we offended. He was sorry that he could not undo his wrong. He was sorry for the people whom he led into sin. He was sorry that innocent people lost their lives. He was sorry that he brought reproach to the name of the Lord. He was sorry that he was a bad testimony and a stumblingblock to others. He was sorry for many years that he did irreparable damage to the hearts and minds of his children who were old enough to understand what he did. He was sorry that his sin impeded progress in the work of God.


We see a gracious sanction.

In v. 17, David realized that the only way back into God’s favor was with a contrite and broken spirit. He knew that a broken and contrite spirit God would not despise or turn away. He knew God would receive him as long as his spirit was broken over his sin. This gracious sanction helps get us back on track with God. A contrite spirit is one that is crushed into many small pieces and broken like a ceramic vase that is dropped on the floor. It is a spirit that has been broken into many pieces and will take time to put back together. David knew well enough that God would forgive him and take him back, but not without a broken and contrite spirit.


How do you see the sin in your life? Do you see your sin as God sees it? Do you ask God to keep your heart tender enough that you can feel the same way about sin as God does? This morning, God is looking for Christians who have a repentant and contrite spirt about their sin. When sin happens in your life, say like David, “I’m sorry!”


Have a contrite God Morning!


Bible Reading Schedule: 2 Kings 20-22


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