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It's All Good

Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today's Verse:

And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: ~Ruth 1:16


Are you someone who is hard to please? Are you content with where God has placed you and what He has given you? Satisfaction is being happily contented and fulfilled with what God has given you in life. In our devotion this morning, we have the beautiful account of how a grief-stricken Naomi made a determination to leave Moab and return to Bethlehem Judah. She originally went to Moab thinking she could escape famine and find better opportunities, only to realize that her decision was fleshly, faulty, and flawed. She found, instead, loss and loneliness. The Lord got her attention, and she realized she needed to go home, and most importantly, back to God. She got right with God and started making the hard journey back home. This determination touched the life of her daughter-in-law, Ruth. Ruth responded by indicating that she wanted to go back with Naomi. In this one verse, Ruth indicated the testimony and heart of a satisfied believer.

Ruth was satisfied with Naomi’s faith.

Ruth said, “Thy God my God.” Ruth was raised as a pagan. Her people practiced sacrificing babies in the fire to appease their gods. Ruth grew up in a loose and immoral culture. However, she had never seen a faith as resolute about God as she did in Naomi. She saw Naomi persevere through the loss of her husband and two sons. She knew Naomi had no certainty about what fate awaited her going back to Bethlehem Judah. Ruth saw a woman who lived, spoke, and made decisions based upon faith in God. Ruth’s salvation decision can be traced to the holy influence Naomi had upon her. Does your faith make the unsaved people around you thirst for Jesus in their life? Would lost people be satisfied with Jesus being their Savior based upon your belief and testimony?

Ruth was satisfied with Naomi’s family.

Ruth said, “Thy people shall be my people.” When a person gets saved, he enters a new family. He is now a member of the family of God. The family of God is identified with faith and trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord. Families have things in common. Christians have a common Lord, a common love, and a common longing. We identify ourselves by being around Christians who have like precious faith. Ruth was separating herself from the world and the things of the world. She was telling Naomi that she was satisfied with being a part of a new family. Are you satisfied with being a member of the family of God?

Ruth was satisfied with Naomi’s fellowship.

Ruth said, “Where thou lodgest, I will lodge.” She was indicating her desire to fellowship with Naomi and all who dwelt in Bethlehem Judah. Bethlehem Judah means the house of bread and praise. We should be satisfied with the church God has placed us in. Our fellowship should be based upon doctrine and acceptance of the duty and responsibilities we have for the local body of Christ that we are a part of. Through our fellowship, we are able to provoke one another unto love and good works. Are you satisfied with the fellowship of believers God has placed you in?

Ruth was satisfied with Naomi’s focus.

Ruth said, “Where thou goest, I will go.” She accepted whatever rigors and hardships were associated with Naomi’s focus. Are you satisfied going into the highways and hedges to reach sinners with the gospel? Are you satisfied going the second mile in being a good Christian? Are you satisfied traveling the Calvary Road and carrying your cross as a committed disciple?

Ruth exemplifies a Christian who was satisfied with the Lord. Let us examine our hearts and determine if we are satisfied as Ruth was.

Have a satisfied God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Galatians 1-3


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