Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
And he found a new jawbone of an ass, and put forth his hand, and took it, and slew a thousand men therewith. ~Judges 15:15
Sometimes, we will use the idiom “That made me drop my jaw.” It’s a term expressing astonishment at something said or done. This morning, we are considering an incredible occurrence in the Bible that makes our jaw drop and involved an actual animal jaw. Let us see what happens when we use whatever God has given us for His glory.
Samson was in a conflict with the Philistines. He was out-numbered at least 1000 to 1. Not only that, he was all alone on the top of a hill. It looked like certain defeat and death for Samson. Many times, our circumstances overwhelm us. Our problem is bigger than us. The setback is more than we can handle. Our back might be against the wall and there is nowhere to go. The diagnosis has no remedy. There are no answers for our problems. Like Samson, we will feel like we are at a disadvantage and have nowhere to turn to.
He had no conventional weapons to fight with. As the enemy advanced towards him, he looked around, and he found a new jawbone of an ass. It was the remains of a donkey carcass that had decayed away in the sun. It was still calcified and about the length of a small sword. The new jawbone of that donkey was laying there and was the only possible tool that he could use to defend himself. He didn’t discount its usage. We must assess everything that God has placed into our possession and use it for His glory. There are gifts, talents, and opportunities that we have never put to use that God can use. Don’t make excuses as to why something cannot be useful. Moses had a rod in his hand that God used. Shamgar had an oxgoad in his hand that God used. A little lad had five loaves of bread and two fishes that Jesus blessed. A widow woman gave her two mites. Use whatever God has given you to accomplish His purpose.
He put forth his hand and took it and slew. Samson was dogmatic in faith. He had faith that God would bless the new jawbone of that ass if he just picked it up. Faith must be exercised. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Faith believes the incredible and does the impossible. Samson was dogmatic in his effort and fervency. He exerted all the effort he could to fighting with the Philistines. Whatever God places in our hands, we must put maximum effort into using it. He took the Philistines on using the only tool that God gave him and put all of his energy into it.
He slew 1000 men with this jawbone! Can you imagine how he took the enemy by surprise? Can you imagine the arrogance of 1000 Philistines who thought that Samson was defenseless and weak using only the jawbone of an ass? Don’t despise the day of small things! Don’t listen to the devil’s lies that you are too young, too old, too inexperienced, too weak, or too insecure for Him to use. Little is much when God is in it! God gave Samson a jaw-dropping victory.
Is there something new that you have never put to use for God’s glory? Is there “a jawbone” laying on the floor, or a table, or on a shelf that you need to take and use? Are you in an overwhelming situation that requires faith and effort on your part? Have faith in God, reach forth, and let God give you a jaw-dropping victory!
Bible Reading Schedule: Psalm 86-89