Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas, greet you. ~Colossians 4:14
Among our many Western idioms, “just what the doctor ordered” is probably one of the catchier and more favored ones. It is a term that means something is exactly as needed. Luke, or Lucas, bears a prominent place in the New Testament and first century. Though he was not a strong preacher or church planter like Paul, he was a man whom God mightily used for His glory. We must remember that God specializes in using everyone who is yielded to Him. Luke was just what the doctor ordered in the life of the Apostle Paul and the first century churches, and his influence still touches lives today.
He is referred to as Luke, the beloved physician. Though his occupation was treating the health needs of people, he was solely occupied with the preaching of the gospel. From what we read about Luke, he loved people and people loved him. He was a man who was spiritual and reasonable. He was a man who cared for the needs of many, especially the Apostle Paul. He could have been Paul’s personal physician. It could be that he was the one who lovingly treated him for his ailments and injuries. However, beyond that, his life gave encouragement. His name means “light giver,” and it appears he brought light into the dark moments of other people.
Luke is one of Paul’s close companions and co-workers starting in Acts 16 during the second missionary tour. He was a member of the incredible missionary team that started churches in Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens, Corinth, and Ephesus. He was the only man who stayed by Paul’s side during the last days of his imprisonment. Paul noted, “Only Luke is with me.” Luke was a friend who could be counted on. He was a supporter and helper whenever and wherever he was needed. Unlike many who are fickle and change on their friends, Luke was a reliable and courageous companion.
We must not overlook the fact that Luke was also a soulwinner, discipler, and intermittent preacher. He did the work of an evangelist with Paul. He advanced the gospel. He supported the idea of starting churches where there were no churches. He is mentioned as one of Paul’s few fellow workers. Even though society was against Paul, Luke never wavered in his loyalty or support.
One of the great achievements that Luke accomplished was being used of God to give us the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. His writing style makes the events surrounding the Lord Jesus and the expansion of the New Testament churches vivid and exciting. His writing lights a flame within us. It is doctrinally profound and does not minimize the importance of a Spirit-filled life. His life lives on in us through his writings.
Luke was just what the doctor ordered. God is still looking for men and women who can fill needs like Luke did. Will you be a friend to the preacher? Will you be someone who loves people and is loved by them as well? Will you be God’s advocate for the gospel? Consider the life of Luke the physician, and ask God to use you as He did with Luke.
Bible Reading Schedule: Philippians 1-4