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Make Up Your Mind

Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. ~James 1:8


Are you someone who has a hard time making a decision? Do you find yourself changing your mind on important matters? James said, “A doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways.” Let us see the importance of being able to make solid decisions and being concretely stable in our belief.

There is the characteristic of a double minded man.

“But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.” The faith of this kind of man is described as being like a wave of the sea that is driven by the wind. He is unsettled concerning his doctrine, his duty, and his devotion. He is easily persuaded by different arguments. He sides with everybody but does not clearly identify with who or what he truly believes. He is described elsewhere in Scripture as having an immature faith that is not deeply rooted.

There is the consternation of a double minded man.

He is “unstable in all his ways.” He is someone who might be uncertain about his eternal security. He might be someone who has trouble finding security in God’s grace working in his life. He believes in God, but he has doubts about God’s ability. This man asks, “Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?” when, instead, his faith should be “Yes, God can!” He goes through the motions in prayer but doubts in practice that God will perform. He has the idea that other people can see God answer their prayers, but God cannot answer his prayers. He lives in a constant state of indecision. His prayers are shallow. His life is at the spiritual poverty line. He lives in defeat more than he does in victory.

There is the credibility of a double minded man.

A double minded man cannot be entrusted with the things of faith. He is someone who can be easily misled by the winds of false teachers, fiery trials, or falsifying tactics. He is not a trusted preacher or teacher because he is indecisive. He is not an ideal mentor for new and ungrounded believers. He lacks credibility in the foundation of his beliefs. He is unstable in all his ways.

There is the cure for a double minded man.

The only cure is for a double minded man is to be grounded in the doctrines of the faith. He must be ingrained with a firm understanding of God’s Word and its infallibility. He must then learn to trust God with his life, in prayer and in the walk of faith. He must submit to pastoral leadership and the discipleship mentoring of a mature Christian in his local church. He should memorize Scripture to help reinforce the things that he has been taught. He must be convinced in his heart that God can be trusted in every facet of his life.

Don’t let a double mind rob you of the blessings of God! Don’t live with a faith that is paralyzed and unable to trust God. Don’t let the trials in your life make you doubt God. Have faith in the God of Creation to take care of you and lead your faith.

Have a joyous God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: 1 Samuel 25-27


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