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Man of Sorrows

Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today's Verse:

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. ~Isaiah 53:3


The fallout of sin brought misery and heartache into the world. Perhaps the most difficult of the emotional upheavals we all go through is the experience of sorrow and grief. Our passage this morning speaks to us about how our Lord Jesus experienced the pain, suffering, and difficulty of sorrow. Though He was God, He allowed Himself to experience human sorrow. Isaiah aptly describes our Lord as a man Who understood our sorrows and griefs that we go through.

We see the wretched problem.

Think with me of the many shades and degrees of sorrow that we can go through in this life. There is the sorrow of loss. This is felt most when a loved one passes from this life, and we are gripped with the reality of their departure and they are never more to be with us. There are no words that you can appropriately offer to anyone who suffers the loss of a loved one. When grief overtakes us because someone we love has left this life, we feel a hollowness, a sense of abandonment, anxiety, and hopelessness. Our hunger goes from us. Our ability to sleep is gone. Our sense of daily living is missing. Our social interaction becomes withdrawn. Sorrow leaves us with an incredible sadness. Sorrow leads us to the place where we even think about dying ourselves. Sorrow can be so overpowering!

We see the willing participation.

Jesus understands our sorrows! He’s been down the valley where the shadow of death has knocked. Jesus understood the hurt and loss of a loved one. He experienced the passing of Joseph in His home. He shared the excruciating grief of Lazarus being in the grave for four days. He was in the home of Jairus after His daughter passed away. He felt the urgency in the soul of the nobleman who cried, “Sir, come down ere my child die”! Jesus experienced the depths of human sorrow. He is the only One Who can truly say, “I know how you feel” and “I understand your hurt and feeling of loss.” Yes, Jesus was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.” When God the Father allowed darkness to grip the earth while Jesus hung on the cross, He understood the sorrow when we face the inevitable of death. Yet, Jesus willingly participated in such grief. Beloved, Jesus knows all about our rejection, heartache, and sorrow.

We see the wonderful provision.

Let us not forget that God is the God of all comfort. In our darkest moment, He has not forsaken or left us. In our deepest sorrow, He gives us songs in the night. When there seems to be no answer, let us remember that He is the answer. When our sleep is missing, let us remember He gives His beloved sleep. When we feel abandoned, He said He will never leave us nor forsake us. Let us remember that He gives perfect peace to them whose mind is stayed on Him. He holds us by the hand. He wraps His strong and gentle arms around us. He whispers “peace be still” in the storm. He loves us with an everlasting love. He makes us more than conquerors. We realize the reality of the promise that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. Let us remember to cast all our care upon Him; for He careth for you.

Man of sorrows? Yes, but He is also the God Who has all things under His control. Give your grief, heartache, and sorrow to Him alone Who is able to help you during your difficult moment. Don’t let Satan prevent you from missing the joy of His powerful comfort during your darkest moment.

Have a comforting God Morning!


Bible Reading Schedule: 1 Samuel 28-31


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