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More Than You Can Handle

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. ~Luke 5:4


The first time I went deep-sea fishing was many years ago out on Monterey Bay with some professional colleagues. We spent the morning challenging one another to grow our businesses and lives, and then we went out about 30 minutes outside of the harbor. I dropped my fishing line as instructed, and within 45 minutes, I caught 8-10 varieties of good-sized codfish. I was very enthused about my day’s catch. When I got home with all this fileted fish under ice, my wife and I agreed that I caught more than we needed. Jesus teaches us a powerful principle of how the Lord can use us to accomplish more than we think we can handle.

We see the rousing.

Simon had a completely unproductive night of fishing. He was tired, weary, and short of patience. The Lord commanded him to go to the deepest location of the sea, drop his clean fishing nets, and get ready for a large catch of fish. Just like with Peter, our Lord stirs our imagination about going where others have not gone and doing something that others have not dreamed about doing. Maybe the Lord would like to rouse your thinking about the overseas mission field, starting many churches, and winning souls.

We see the response.

“And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net." Peter was a little sharp in his response when he told the Lord that they had fished all night the night before and had caught nothing. He was saying, “Lord, we fished all night at the same spot and caught nothing. What makes You think we will catch anything at daytime, which is not the most favorable time to fish?” Peter said that he would go but only let down one net. He was partially obedient. Jesus told him to let down all his nets, but Peter said that he would let down one net. Like Peter, we can be skeptical and risk-averse. Instead of putting everything out there, we can do just enough to appear that we did something, but in reality do nothing that represents we are exercising faith in God’s Word.

We see the result.

“And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake.” Within moments after dropping his own net, he caught a great multitude of fishes. It was so much that he called out to James and John to bring their fishing vessel out to help. Both vessels were filled with so much fish that they were sinking! God gave them more than they could handle! Jesus, in His power, did as He said He would. Our Lord is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. Wouldn’t you like to have a situation in which God could bless you with more than you could handle?

We see the responsibility.

First, Peter dropped to his knees and confessed his disobedience and lack of faith. In order for God to use us greatly, we need to let go of our pride and confess when we are wrong. Second, the Lord showed Peter a bigger picture. He told Peter, “Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.” He told Peter not to be afraid of exercising great faith and launching out into the deep places of the world with the gospel. We are in the business of catching men. The days of letting down our nets for a draught are still available. Step out in faith, and let God give you more than you can handle!

Have an abounding God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Mark 1-3

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