Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. ~Romans 10:1
What is the greatest desire on your heart? For someone who is married, it might be that their marriage has peace, happiness, and fulfillment. For someone who has planned a destination vacation, it might be to experience all that that a vacation can do for them. For a parent raising his children, it might be that they don’t stray off into bad behavior and that they will succeed in academics and education. Paul bared his heart in great detail in his letter to the church at Rome. After taking meticulous care in explaining the doctrine of salvation, he expressed that his greatest desire during his lifetime was that the nation of Israel would get saved.
Israel was called God’s people in the Old Testament. They were called a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. They were given the law, and in so doing, this would point them to Christ. Christ would come forth into the world through Israel. They were a people blessed with prophets, promises, protection, and prosperity. They were blessed as long as they obeyed God and kept His Word. In the midst of a society that was pagan and adverse to God, Israel bore a testimony of God’s blessing. Let us not forget that in America we are blessed with religious freedom by which the gospel message is preached.
Israel was blinded to the truth. The law in itself could not save them or anyone else for that matter. The law was a teacher pointing them to the righteousness which is by faith. Israel became self-righteous and stubbornly would not submit to God’s means for salvation. “For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth” (Romans 10:3-4). Their self-righteousness blinded them. This is like many people today who try to establish their own righteousness through good works, church membership, and other works-based methods of trying to find reconciliation with God. If you are not saved, do not be blinded by the idea that your good works or church affiliation will save you from your sins.
Paul’s desire and prayer for Israel was for them to be saved. He prayed that their eyes would be open to the truth of the gospel. He prayed that they would hear the gospel, be convicted in their hearts, and believe on Christ to be saved. Paul testified that he was willing to be accursed in order that Israel might be saved. He further said that the love of Christ constrained him to preach the gospel. Paul traveled many miles, preached the same message in every city, and spent long hours praying for Jews everywhere to be saved. He desired that during his lifetime, he could see every Jew saved. Do you have a great burden for sinners to be saved? Are you burdened for the people in your city and county to be saved? Are you burdened for the people of your ethnic origin to be saved?
He desired, more than life, that Israel would be saved. He wanted every Jew to call on the name of the Lord for salvation. He told them that the Word was so close, it was in their mouth and heart to be saved. I can see Paul extending his invitations to the Jews to be saved. He did not stop at just preaching the gospel: his consuming desire was that they would be saved.
Paul’s desire should be our desire. Ask God to break your heart over sinners dying and going to Hell. Pray for the nations where the gospel needs greater inroads. Pray that God will burden your heart like He did with Paul.
Bible Reading Schedule: Nehemiah 12-13