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  • Writer's pictureAlan Fong

Never a Bad Day

Today's Verse:

Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. ~Philippians 4:4-5


In most customs, people greet one another by asking, “How are you doing?” or “How is your day going?” The look on our face or the answer from our mouth speaks volumes to people. We look at our life as being either “good days” or “bad days.” Paul helps us in our perspective on daily living and how every day can be a good day. Let us see this morning how there is never a bad day for the Christian!


There is the regulation for our spirit.

“Rejoice in the Lord”! Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. Joy is experiencing the Christian life on the mountain peak at all times. However, joy is not a by-product of the flesh. It cannot be manufactured or fabricated. Joy is derived from a walk with God that is Spirit-driven and prompted. It is to rest in the Lord and to not let the difficulties, sufferings, and setbacks determine our spirit. It is saying “thank you” for the problem even though that does not seem to be the natural thing to do. It is constantly asking God to help you to have a spirit of joy at all times.


There is the reinforcement within our spirit.

Paul said, “And again I say, Rejoice.” Rejoicing always must be a spiritual discipline that we allow the Spirit of God to help us with. The discipline of joy is something that we must repeat in every situation. It is not letting the bad situations get the best of us. It is staying cautiously fixated on being joyful at all times. Satanic and fleshly forces desire to steal our joy from us. Our innermost desire should be, “I’m rejoicing no matter what!” It is standing up to the problem and situation, and just being joyful!


There is the reflection of our spirit.

We are to show to all men a spirit of calmness and gentleness, and that we are under the control of the Lord and not our circumstances. “Let your moderation be known unto all men.” Unbelievers, new believers, seasoned believers, and carnal believers need to see Jesus in us. They need to see one consistent streak about us. They must see a positive and rejoicing spirit about us. People deem us credible when they see a Christian who is thriving when things are bad. How do people see your spirit, especially when the going is tough?


There is the reviving of our spirit.

How is it possible to have a rejoicing spirit at all times? We must be constantly living in a spirit of revival. The Lord is at hand! The Lord is near unto us. The Lord is coming soon. The Lord is closer to us than we really know. The Lord knows that sinking feeling in our hearts. The Lord knows when we have a tough encounter to make. The fact that the Lord is at hand should stir within us a spirit of revival. A spirit of rejoicing can only be sustained when there is daily reviving. The psalmist said, “Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?”


God gives us the prescription for always having a good day and never a bad day. It is up to us to stay on this prescription and to let it work in us. When we skip this prescription, we place ourselves at risk of having our joy stolen from us. “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” Decide today that there is never a bad day.


Have a rejoicing God Morning!


Bible Reading Schedule: Matthew 5-6

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