Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. ~Genesis 32:24
One of the most dangerous wrestling events that two opponents can be in is a “no holds barred match.” In this type of match, no holds or grips are forbidden. It is a free-for-all match with winner takes all. Jacob would face his toughest situation ever after crossing the ford Jabbok. It would be here where he would undergo a new change in his life.
“And Jacob was left alone.” He sent his two wives and children ahead of him. Jacob was at a place in life where he should have been many years before. The last twenty years of his life were marked by family deceit, setback, backsliding, and an avoidance of God’s presence. The solo times of life are critical moments where God wants to get a hold of our attention and priorities. He had no one to cling to, no one to hide behind, no one to cast blame upon. He was alone without distractions and excuses. Are you at a place in life where God has placed you alone?
“And there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.” A man met Jacob and a wrestling match ensued. Notice how it was the man wrestling with Jacob in the beginning. Jacob was not looking for a confrontation, but it came to him. It was a divine confrontation that involved our Lord Jesus Christ in pre-incarnate appearance with Jacob. God personally confronts Jacob. Things have not changed. When God needs to get our attention, He makes a personal appearance to let us know that the rebellion, running, and resistance must come to an end. Has God met you for a showdown recently?
Jacob was in the strongest struggle of his life. Jacob was learning that the greatest struggle at that moment was the struggle within him. As the sun was starting to rise, the Lord told Jacob to let Him go. Jacob said that he would not unless he was blessed. Jacob knew that it was the Lord Who was holding onto him. He realized in his heart that God only wanted to give His best for Jacob. So, Jacob told the Lord that he would not let go of Him unless he was blessed. This struggle is a blessed picture of the wrestling in prayer that we would have if we are very serious about praying and getting answers to our prayers. Is God wrestling with you to get your attention that there are some things He wants to change about us?
The Lord touched the inner thigh of Jacob to render him helpless. He was disabled for life by that touch. You see, the price we will pay to have God’s blessing will result in us being broken, disabled, or sidelined. That injury will leave a permanent scar, limp, or change to us that will be a constant reminder of our struggle and how God brought us around.
The Lord heard his request and blessed him. His name was changed from Jacob to Israel. He went from being Jacob the deceiver to Israel, a prince with God. God changed his name, his life priority, and his future destiny. He was told that he would have for the first time power with men as he had power with God. He walked away from that encounter with a limp in one leg. His disabled condition reminded him of God’s love for him. It got him back on track. It took away his apprehensions. It made a new man with a new purpose out of Jacob.
Could it be that God has met you and is wrestling with you as well? Are you walking in the light as He is in the light? Are you on the right pathway that leads to life and happiness? Let God touch the stronghold in your life and set your path in His direction for His glory!
Bible Reading Schedule: Ezekiel 43-45