Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
The righteous man wisely considereth the house of the wicked: but God overthroweth the wicked for their wickedness. ~Proverbs 21:12
Have you ever walked the streets of a neighborhood and observed the various houses on a street? You will see houses that are well kept, landscaped, uncluttered, and desirable to look upon from the curbside. Then, there happens to be one or two houses that look old, outdated, unkempt, overgrown with weeds, and is in great need of improvement. An investor will look at the house that is unkempt and look for an opportunity to purchase it at a bargain price. Someone that is looking for a house to purchase and live in might look at this unkempt house as completely undesirable and unfit for occupancy. The observation that is made is “not this house.” This morning, let us see “the wrong house.”
This is a home where God, His Word, and prayer have no place and are not wanted. It is a home where the name of God is taken in vain and Christ is blasphemed. It is a home where the home entertainment systems play videos and music that are profane, pornographic, violent, and demonic. It is a home where liquor and drugs are freely consumed and intoxicate the users. It’s a home where the occupants are involved in affairs and relationships that are immoral. It is a place where Satan rules and God is uninvited. It is a home where quarrels and fights are rampant and ongoing. It is a home where rebellion and disobedience is the rule and not the exception. It is a house that is building itself on shifting sand.
Solomon describes it as a place of robbers. The wealth accumulated in this home is obtained with dishonesty, fraud, and robbery. It is a place where reveling and banqueting are held to impress people and not to be a blessing. Instead of the worship of God, there is the worship of the accumulations and goods that have replaced God. The inhabitants are coveting the vineyard of Naboth and, by subtlety and stealing, will do whatever it takes to obtain it. It is a home where the inhabitants paint their faces like Jezebel and pretend that they are not a threat to their honest, hard-working neighbors next to them. It is a home where they seek to acquire more for self promotion. God says that the sacrifices of the wicked are an abomination. Their giving is like that of Ananias and Sapphira, where there is withholding of that which belongs to God. Like the rich man in Luke 12 who coveted for more wealth and left God out of the picture, the house of the wicked lives only for this life.
“The righteous man wisely considereth the house of the wicked.” A righteous man knows that obedience to God’s Word is the only way to build a house upon a solid foundation. The house of a man trying to get to Heaven on good works, religion, or some other way is wicked and cannot stand. The house of a man who covets and accumulates to the hurt and detriment of others is a man whose house cannot stand. Consider the houses of Ahab, Uzziah, Herod, Judas, Ananias, and many others who have left God out of their lives. Look at the houses of the Hitler’s, Hussein’s, and Kaddafi’s, and consider their fall.
God will overthrow the house of the wicked. Their houses will topple when the storms of life descend upon it. Jesus said, "Great was the fall of it." This statement is a principle and a prophecy. God will overthrow the house of the wicked. Unless there is repentance and restoration, the house of the wicked shall be overthrown.
What’s the application? Don’t let the glitter and the glamor fool you. Build your house and life upon the Lord Jesus Christ, and have a solid foundation for your faith and family.
Bible Reading Schedule: Exodus 25-27