Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereinto he went; and his seed shall possess it. ~Numbers 14:24
Something that is one of a kind is rare and exceptional. In some cases, this description refers to the fact that there is no other kind or type available or in existence. Something that is one of a kind is to be treasured and cherished. Our devotion this morning is an appeal for Christians who are one of a kind. This morning, let us examine Caleb, a one-of-a-kind Christian.
God describes Caleb as possessing another spirit because he followed God fully. Caleb had faith in God’s ability. Long before he surveyed the land of Kadeshbarnea, he was already convinced in his heart of Who God was and what God could do. He saw God’s awesome power at work during the plagues in Egypt. He saw God’s power at work in the parting of the Red Sea and the incredible crossing by His people. He saw God’s power at work in giving them water from a rock and manna from Heaven. He was thoroughly convinced that the God Whom he served and worshiped was awesome, powerful, and omnipotent. He was a man of great faith and persuasion. One-of-a-kind Christians are driven by a similar faith: a faith that says, "We can do it because God is in it."
When Caleb and the other spies returned from surveying Kadeshbarnea, they brought back evidence of the fruit of the land. They brought back clusters of grapes that required two men to carry suspended on a pole! That sight alone was enough to make anyone salivate and crave what the land could give them. However, ten of the spies looked at the inhabitants of the land and the walled cities, and decided that the men of Israel were not able to possess it. What a terrible thing it is when men of little faith decide to be the voice of the majority and seek to dissuade God’s people from doing God’s will. However, this was not true of Caleb. Caleb immediately rose up as a voice of encouragement and said, “Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it”! Men of faith are men of action! Men of faith move ahead! They see victory. They see accomplishment. They see possession. He said, “We are able!” Don’t allow your fear of the unknown, giants, hard work, and effort to discourage you.
The majority voice of the ten spies set Israel back 40 years. Those men will go down in history as the men who caused Israel to wander in the wilderness for forty years. The only men of that generation who were allowed to enter and possess the land of promise were Caleb and Joshua. Caleb’s faith gave him God’s permission to live longer. His faith gave him God’s permission to cross the Jordan River. His faith gave him God’s permission to possess his land of inheritance. He willingly, patiently, and gracefully waited over forty years for God’s promise. He lived to see more miracles. He was sustained to see more of God’s power. He was privileged to lead his family to possess his mountain.
God is looking for some Caleb's. He is looking for one-of-a-kind Christians who have faith in God and His Word: men with the unusual courage and conviction to obey God and do the right thing. Men who are not people-pleasers but God-pleasers. Decide today to not follow the trends, but instead to follow the truth. Know what God wants you to do, and be one of a kind!
Bible Reading Schedule: Ezekiel 46-48