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Out of This World

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible. ~Hebrews 11:27


Someone has aptly said, “The men who have moved this world were men the world could not move.” Moses was one of those men. Next to our Lord Jesus Christ, Moses may have been the second greatest leader to walk on Earth. In order to be a spiritual leader who was unquestionable, unconquerable, uncompromising, and unbelievable, he had to be a man completely dedicated to the Lord. Let us see Moses and his decision about this world.

We see Moses' faith.

The key to overcoming this world is faith. “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith” (1 John 5:4). Faith that overcomes the world realizes that "the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever." It is a faith that has decided to do the will of God, which is permanent, and not to conform to this world, which is temporary. It is a faith that believes unreservedly that God will take care of His people better than the world can.

We see that Moses forsook.

Moses forsook Egypt. This means he said goodbye to the comforts, cares, and concerns of this world. To forsake something means to abandon, leave, and say goodbye to. Overcoming the world means we must part ways with our dependence upon the world system. It is not putting all of your trust in the educational system, the monetary system, the political system, or any other commercialized particular. Moses said goodbye to a career that would have paid him handsomely in riches, favors, politics, and worldly security. When he forsook the world, he never turned back or had any regrets.

We see that Moses was fearless.

Forsaking the world meant that he would incur the wrath of the king of Egypt. The god of this world is Satan. When Satan realizes that he cannot entice you by your worship, he intensifies his warfare against you. Moses did not fear being cut off from Egypt. He did not fear that he lost all favor with Egypt. He did not fear that he would be taking a step down financially and would have to work for the rest of his life. Overcoming this world demands that we are not moved by the threats and attacks that the king of this world makes against us.

We see Moses' fortitude.

Moses endured. He remained steadfast and resolute. He endured criticism and scorn. He endured rejection and setback. He endured temptations. He endured comparative discussions. He stuck it out. He did not and would not quit. He kept going strong for God. Decide today to forsake this world, and when you do, be strong! Endure by leaving worldly friends, and accept the fact that you might not have any friends. You might be ostracized, but remember that God never leaves you nor forsakes you.

We see Moses' focus.

Moses saw Him Who is invisible. Faith believes the incredible, and it sees the invisible. His focus was on the Lord Jesus Christ. This kind of focus never takes its eyes off of the Lord. This kind of focus is looking at things above and not at things on the earth. This kind of focus looks to Jesus, Who is the Author and Finisher of our faith. When our focus is on the Lord, faith is bolstered, fortitude is strengthened, and we overcome this world. In effect, you are testifying that you are taking Jesus and not the world. Don’t let this world ensnare your dreams and vision. Follow the example of Moses and be someone who overcomes the world.

Have a victorious God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Luke 21-22

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