Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. ~Mark 4:39
Several years ago, my wife and I took a red eye flight to Detroit, MI to see her uncle and aunt. We encountered a lightning storm and severe turbulence on the plane for several minutes. There was an eerie quietness among the passengers and flight attendants as we bounced up and down on that plane. However, I think being on a ship in a raging storm on the open seas has to be among the most frightening experiences someone can go through. These disciples had experienced storms on the sea of Galilee before, but none were like the one they were in at that moment. This morning, we want to consider three words that Jesus spoke that calmed the storm. Let us see how Jesus can calm the storm in your life.
The ship the disciples were in encountered a severe storm. They were met with a wind that resisted them. They battled with waves that battered their ship. The waves of the sea were of such proportion that the water filled the entire ship, even to the point where they thought they were in danger of sinking. They had adverse forces that caused them to fear. This description gives us a vivid idea of what happens when a crisis comes into our life. It beats us down. We feel like we are filling up with water to the point where we feel like we are sinking. When storms come our way, they are unanticipated and unplanned for. We go into panic mode and feel a sense of desperation. We see an unavoidable crisis.
Jesus spoke three simple words: “Peace, be still”! Jesus is in command of every storm. In spite of the situation looking like everything was out of control, in reality everything was well under control. All Jesus said was, “Peace, be still”! His word is more powerful than the weather. His word is more powerful than the elements. “And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” We must have faith that the Word of the Lord is sufficient for the storms in our life. Give Jesus control of your storm. Let Jesus rebuke the storm in your life through the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. Let His peace rule your heart and mind.
The disciples were scared out of their wits. Jesus was in the hinder part of the ship sleeping. The disciples asked Him, “Master, carest thou not that we perish?” Now, the reality of the situation is this: they were completely safe because Jesus was in the ship with them. If the storm doesn’t bother Jesus, why should it bother us? Find comfort in the fact that Jesus is with you in your storm. Find comfort in the fact that He is closer to the situation than you think.
After the storm, Jesus made a commentary, or statement, about the disciples' fear. He asked them, “Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?” That was a stinging commentary on their behavior during this storm. He was right there with them. They saw Him do miracles prior to this. Yet, they had no faith in His presence, no faith in His power, and no faith in His Person. Their faith had a long way to go in development. What does the Lord have to say about your faith? Storms bring the best and worst out of people. What does a storm say about your faith?
Three simple words calmed the storm. These same words from the Lord can control the storm you might be going through. Take comfort in the Lord’s power for your stormy crisis.
Bible Reading Schedule: Numbers 8-10