Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
Today’s Verse:
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. ~Isaiah 26:3
There is one thing many adults are seeking for in their lives, and that is peace. We live in a world of unrest, strife, conflicts and cumbersome burdens. I meet many people each week whose lives are in conflict and anxiety. Isaiah experienced what it was like to have unrest and anxiety, but the day came when he discovered that God wants us to have peace, and more importantly, perfect peace.
We see the adversary of perfect peace.
Do you worry or get anxious about things? Do you worry have financial worries? Do you live in a home where there is arguing, conflict, disagreement, and spitefulness? Are you carrying heavy burdens that feel like they are getting heavier? Are you struggling with a besetting sin or weight that is getting the best of you? Are you struggling with bitterness and unforgiveness? These things are the adversaries of perfect peace. They are walls that keep us from God’s best. They are cares that God never intended for us to carry with us. They are baggage that we picked up that we should have left behind us. These things distract, discourage, dismantle, and destroy. If peace has been elusive to you, be careful that these things do not become the demise of your faith and a victorious Christian life.
We see the availability of perfect peace.
Perfect peace can be yours! First, perfect peace is available through a saving knowledge of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we attain peace with God. This peace with God means that we are no longer enemies but friends of God. Second, every believer can access perfect peace through faith and trust in God. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” We must make our requests be made known to God in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. Unload the burdens, cares, anxieties, and problems to Jesus. Have faith in his grace and power to see you through your circumstance.
We see the advantage of perfect peace.
Perfect peace is when we are in a storm, but we do not panic. Perfect peace is when the burden is there, but the weight has been lifted. Perfect peace is when we can sleep through the night in spite of the cursing of the enemy. Perfect peace is a good testimony to others that we trust in God. Perfect peace is when we know that the answer to our prayer is in progress. Perfect peace is being unagitated about the criticisms, the setbacks, the hurt, and the concern for the future. Perfect peace sets us apart from believers who have a hard time trusting in God. Perfect peace is when we let go of the problem into God’s hands, and the problem has let go of us!
We see the advice for perfect peace.
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” First, we must get our minds off of the anxieties and problems, and get our minds on the Lord. Read and memorize Scripture, listen to sermons and encouraging Christian music, work on a study of a book of the Bible, and pray for an extended season. These are many good ways to get our minds on the Lord. Do not go around talking about the problem or letting the problem occupy your thoughts. Second, trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. “Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.” Don’t make trusting God problem-centric, but life-centric. Trust in God for the circumstance, the steps, the shielding, and the solution. Trusting is letting go completely of all control you want to have. There will be times when we do not know what to do. When this happens, God is telling us to keep a bended knee towards him, and do nothing on our own to try to work things out.
Perfect peace is not elusive, but ready for you to receive. Let perfect peace be God’s gift to you today by letting go and trusting Him completely.
Have a peace-filled God Morning!
Bible Reading Schedule: John 9-10