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Preach It!

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

But hath in due times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God our Saviour; ~Titus 1:3


I look forward to the Sunday preaching services of our church. Preaching is the means by which a congregation is exhorted in the worship of God. Preaching is the powerful declaration of the gospel. Preaching is the open declaration of the doctrines, beliefs, and right behavior that God has given to us through His Word. I love preaching because it inspires me about God and for God. I love preaching because it is God’s ordained method for the communication of His Word. Paul said that God has in due time manifested His Word through preaching, which was committed unto him according to the commandment of God his Savior. As we approach the services on this Lord’s Day, let us consider the matter of preaching.

There is the primacy of preaching.

Preaching is ordained of God. Preaching is the engine that drives the church. Paul told Timothy, “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;” 2 Tim. 4:2-3. Solid Bible preaching will always have teaching in it. However, teaching alone tends to be empty of preaching, and leave us dry. Teaching will burden you, but preaching will bother you. Teaching captures you, but preaching corrects the heart. Teaching leaves you concerned, but preaching leaves you convicted. Teaching leaves you comforted, but preaching leaves you corrected. Teaching is peaceful, but preaching is powerful. Teaching is popular, but preaching is profitable. Teaching is praised, but preaching is protested. Teaching is promoted, but preaching is proven. Let us not forget that Jesus was a Preacher! Preaching is the main highlight of the church service. Let us desire preaching!

There is the preparation for preaching.

There must be the preparation of the preacher. He must labor in the Word and in doctrine. He must always be in the state of preparation. A preacher is always in the mode for the next message. The preacher’s primary message is the gospel. However, he is to feed the flock of God through careful, Spirit-anointed preparation. There is the intense study of the Word of God. There is the sensitivity to the Spirit’s prompting. There is prayer and much more prayer. Then, there is the preparation of the listener. The listener should pray for the preacher, and that the message will change his life. The listener must prepare through his own reading of Scripture during the week, and through prayer for the preacher and himself. He must prepare himself to take heed to the things he hears, lest at any time he lets it slip. The listener is exhorted, “He that hath an ear let him hear.” Be an “Amen-er” when it comes to preaching.

There is the product from preaching.

First, God desires that His Word will bring forth 25, 50, and 100-fold fruit. Second, through preaching the gospel seed is sown in the heart of an unsaved person so that he will get saved. Third, through preaching other preachers accept God’s calling to preach. Fourth, through preaching God calls laborers into the harvest as missionaries. Fifth, through preaching we receive instruction on how to live for God and what is right doctrine. Sixth, through preaching we are warned and protected from wolves that enter into the flock, seeking to ravage it. Seventh, sin is exposed, rebuked, and repentance is exercised. Eighth, God is glorified and lifted up.

Do you love preaching? Don’t you think it is important to be preached to? Don’t become weary and spiteful of strong Bible preaching. Get fired up, and do something great for God because you have been under preaching!

Have an inspired God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Isaiah 5-8

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