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Prove It

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it. ~Colossians 4:17


We think of ourselves as being discerning when it comes to testing the value or worth of something. We want to know for sure that an automobile can be driven for many miles without the risk of a mechanical breakdown. We want to know if an electronic product will be sustainable beyond a certain period of time. In a similar fashion, the Lord desires that we are people who will finish our race and purpose in this life. Our challenge in life is to fulfill what we have been called to do. Archippus was challenged by the Apostle Paul to prove that he would finish his ministry to the end. How did he prove this?

He was to be proven in his selection.

Archippus was a preacher. In fact, he may have been the pastor of the church at Colossae while Epaphras was in Rome with Paul. He was to be proven in his character as a pastor. “A bishop then must be blameless....” He was to be proven in his care as a pastor. As a pastor, he was to lead and tend to the needs of the congregation. He was to be proven in his communication as a pastor. He was to stir up the gift that was in him, preach the word, and be instant in season and out of season. He needed to prove that he was worthy of the calling that God gave to him.

He was to be proven by being circumspect.

This means to be careful, be watchful, or take heed. He had to be careful about his appetites. He had to make sure that he was walking each moment in the Spirit and not in the flesh. He had to restrain himself from carnal desires. He had to make sure that he was careful about his attitude. If he was not careful, he would become cynical and critical in his spirit. He had to be careful about his associations. Who your friends are determines who has influence in your life. He needed to take heed.

He was to be proven by sticking it out.

Paul told him to fulfill the ministry that the Lord had given him. Paul did not want him to fail but to finish instead! He needed to fulfill every aspect of his ministry. He needed to be long-term in his work. He needed to have a systematic plan for reaching the people of his city with the gospel. He needed to have a vision for his city and congregation. He needed to show the congregation that he was leading them to a closer walk with the Lord. Archippus needed to decide to stay at what he did no matter what.

It is important that we prove that we are trustworthy, transparent. and triumphant. Let’s prove to those who are without Christ that God is real in our life! Let’s prove that God answers our prayers. Let’s prove that we are bigger on the inside than we are on the outside. Let’s prove that we are worthy of the calling that God has given to us. Keep your days filled with service and soulwinning opportunities. Don’t be someone who does not finish your task; fulfill it to the end!

Have a purposeful God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Deuteronomy 30-31

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