Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me; as also the king's words that he had spoken unto me. And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work. ~Nehemiah 2:18
The book of Nehemiah is very inspiring and motivating. It is a vital reminder to us that when we put our hearts and minds to a task, it can be done. It is a book that is an excellent model on the execution and example of leadership. It teaches us how to be resilient and steadfast when our task is very challenging and difficult. This morning, we are exhorted by the words of the Nehemiah to “rise up”!
The Jews had returned to Jerusalem after many years of captivity in Babylon and Persia. The temple had been rebuilt. People established their businesses and their homes. However, the walls of Jerusalem that had been torn down by King Nebuchadnezzar had not been rebuilt. The charred remains of these walls, the scattered rubble, and the broken gates were scattered around the perimeter of the city. The city was not fortified and was vulnerable to attack. Worse, a passerby saw a city that was neglected. No one seemed to care that rubble surrounded the outside. No one was bothered by this testimony of neglect and carelessness. Look at your inner life today and do you see walls that have been broken down and are in need of rebuilding? Are there signs of neglect in your life?
After hearing the report of the neglected ruins, Nehemiah was the only man moved in his heart about doing something about this need. Nehemiah was burdened about this situation. He receives permission from King Artaxerxes to go to Jerusalem for an extended period of time to take on the project of rebuilding the walls. Nehemiah believed in the solution. After surveying the ruin and assessing his resources, he had incredible faith that God could use him and the people of Israel to rebuild. Nehemiah made an ardent response. He knew the testimony of the Jews was at stake. He knew this project would be the greatest faith endeavor that he ever exercised. Are you ready to exercise faith in a great endeavor? Are you ready to trust God to be a part of something so spectacular that only God can accomplish it?
Nehemiah knew that the rebuilding required involvement from the people living in Jerusalem. He reminded them of the distress that they were in. He told them how God had opened doors and led him to this place and time. He told them that he was willing to step up and lead the rebuilding of the walls. He used words like “we” and “us” to drive home the fact that this was their problem and he was all in to help get this problem taken care of. Let us not forget that the work of God is not a man’s work. It is “our” work. It is “our” responsibility. It is “our” opportunity to rise and shine!
The elders of the people were encouraged and inspired by Nehemiah’s report and involvement. They had been waiting for an anointed leader to step up and take this project on. Collectively they said, “Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.” They, too, had faith in God’s ability to help them rebuild! They, too, decided to be involved and commit their resources. They, too, determined that the rebuilding of the walls needed to be done, and they were the ones to do it. They had the resolve to rise up.
Let us together rise up in the responsibility God has given to us. Let’s build where there are ruins. Let’s build where we have been given an opportunity. Let’s build the Sunday School class and the church. It’s time to rise up.
Bible Reading Schedule: Ezra 8-10