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Safe Harbor

Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today's Verse:

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. ~Psalm 46:1


Years ago whenever a ship out at sea saw that a severe storm was headed in its direction, the ship’s captain would aim to steer the ship into a safe harbor. As long as the ship could make it safely to that location, the ship and its crew found refuge and protection from the pounding of the rain, crashing waves, and boisterous winds. This morning, we are considering one of the most comforting verses in the Bible. I call it the Christian’s Safe Harbor verse.

We see the reality of adversities.

Adversities are the challenges, difficulties, problems, and trials that we will encounter in this life. They are the unexpected storms that fill our boats with water and thrash about on the ocean waves. They are the earthquakes that shake us so hard that we lose our footing and fall to the ground. They are the powerful winds that push against us and give us resistance as we try to push forward. They are the untimely passing of a loved one, a cancer or long-term illness diagnosis, a financial setback, or an anxious concern. Adversities are never the same. They come in different sizes and last for different durations. They test us in our faith, resilience, and longsuffering. We can lose sleep, focus, and desire. They are the problems that have no immediate answers and many times feel like they won’t go away.

We see the reliable advantage.

The advantage for every Christian is the fact that God is on our side. God is for us and with us. God is a refuge or safe harbor. He is the rock that is higher than us. He is the strong tower and fortress that we run into that gives us shelter, safety, and protection. He is also our source of strength. Adversities weaken and fill us with much fear. God comes alongside of us and gives us the strength that we need at the necessary moment. God is a very present help in time of trouble. He is always there for us. He steadies us when things are shaking. He guides us when things look dark. He surrounds us when we feel like our problems encircle us. He stands between us and the false accusations of Satan. God is there when we need Him the most. God gives us the advantage we need at the most critical time.

We see a resourceful advice.

The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah… Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. God is fighting for us. The God Who came to Jacob at Peniel and enabled him is our God. The same God Who came to Elijah in a still small voice is the God Who is our refuge. Go to Him! Give Him your fears and problems. Rest under His everlasting arms, and realize that no foe can reach you when you are in His arms. The winds may be boisterous and fierce, but God is a refuge Who will never let us down. You are in your safe harbor.

Steer the vessel of your life into His safe harbor. Hold steady, and know that He is God. Ride out the storms, and realize you are safe and protected. Yes, the Christian safe harbor is the Lord. He is our very present help in time of trouble.

Have a safe and protected God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Exodus 13-15


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