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Show Thyself a Man

Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

I go the way of all the earth: be thou strong therefore, and shew thyself a man; ~1 Kings 2:2


David had been king of Israel for 40 years. He was in ill health and knew that his time left in this life was almost gone. He was walking in the valley of the shadow of death that he wrote of in Psalm 23. As he looked back at his life, he could testify that goodness and mercy had followed him all the days of his life. It was time for him to cede the kingdom to his son Solomon. In our devotion this morning, David was giving Solomon a charge. He was telling his son that he needed to step out and show that he was a man. We want to consider that thought: show thyself a man.

Solomon was to show himself a man in his destiny.

He was now the king of Israel. As king, he was responsible for the well-being of many, many people. He needed to think and perform as a good king is supposed to. He had to put away childish things and live the remainder of his days protecting and prospering the interests of the kingdom and the people. He was to show maturity in what he did and how he lived. As Christians, we are to demonstrate maturity and not childishness. We have the will of God to fulfill and do. Show thyself a man in your destiny.

Solomon was to show himself a man in his discernment.

He needed to be able to know evil from good. He was to avoid showing favoritism in his decisions. He needed to have good timing. He needed to know who his allies were and who his adversaries were. He needed to be able to make good judgment calls. He needed to know when to exercise justice and when to exercise mercy. Show thyself a man in your discernment.

Solomon was to show himself a man in his durability.

David told him to be strong. Being strong meant that he could not allow discouragement and setbacks to make him quit. He had to have the fortitude to keep going even when the odds appeared against him. Leaders must be strong in all seasons of life. He could not allow himself to back down when the roar of the enemy sounded. In times of war, being strong was the morale booster that his troops needed. Show thyself a man in your durability.

Solomon was to show himself a man in his demonstration.

All the eyes of the kingdom were upon him. He would be a model for boys growing up. He would be a leader who was respected and feared by other kings and leaders. He would be a leader who was trusted by his advisors, troops, and peers. He had to be a good example of a man who was filled with the Spirit and used of God.

Show thyself a man! Our world needs men of God who show that their lives are in sync with God and that they will not back down to challenges placed before them.

Have a courageous God morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: 2 Kings 9-11


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