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Writer's pictureAlan Fong

Sowing and Reaping

Today's Verse:

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. ~Galatians 6:7-8


This morning, we are considering one of the infallible laws of the Bible: the law of sowing and reaping. It is a principle of life that has the potential of affecting us on a short-term and long-term basis. It is a law so important that the end result is that our experience can be joyful or devastating. Let us consider this morning the law of sowing and reaping.

There is the discipline in sowing and reaping.

This phrase is an agricultural phrase that is a necessary discipline for food and survival. Sowing and reaping is tied to timing, weather, seasons, and preparation. Soil must be broken up and made ready for sowing seed. Precious seed must be sown in large quantities so that much good seed will go into the ground and take deep root. There is the necessity of the early and latter rains. There is the supervision and the waiting for growth. There will be the eventual harvesting of the crops. Sowing and reaping is a discipline that cannot be avoided or neglected. Food sources and ample provision for an entire year is intricately tied to this process. Be sure that your life is one that is cognizant of sowing and reaping. We sow and reap in just about everything we do.

There is the definite of sowing and reaping.

Every man will reap what he sows. If we sow the wind, we reap the whirlwind. If we sow seeds of doubt, we reap an empty harvest. If we sow seeds of bitterness, we reap a harvest of ill-favored hatred. If we sow seeds of laziness, we reap a harvest of overgrowth and weeds. If we sow seeds of sin, we reap a harvest of heartache and more sin. On the other hand, when we sow of the Spirit, we reap life everlasting. When we sow in tears, we reap in joy. When we sow love and compassion, we reap a harvest of more love and compassion. When we sow a life invested in others, we see a harvest of leaders and followers who desire the Lord. When we sow the gospel, we reap a harvest of souls being saved and churches that are flourishing. What you emphasize is what you will have as results.

There is the duty of sowing and reaping.

It is our duty to be concentrated in our sowing. Make it your duty to sow gospel seed, good seed, and godly seed always. It is our duty to be compassionate in our sowing. Other lives around us are affected by our sowing: our spouses, our children, our church family, our unsaved contacts, and future generations. It is our duty to be consecrated in our sowing. Sow to the Spirit, and not to the flesh. Sow with the end result being conformity to the image of Christ. It is our duty to be cautious in our sowing. Do not sow haphazardly. Do not sow sparingly, but rather bountifully. Do not sow where weeds can choke off that which springs forth. Do not sow where the soil is hard and not made ready. It is our duty to be copious in our sowing. Give, and it shall be given to you. "There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth: there is that withholdeth more than is meet, and it tendeth to poverty."

Look at your life, your future, and what seed you are carrying in your bag. God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap!

Have a diligent God Morning!


Bible Reading Schedule: Matthew 11-12

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