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Spiritual Leaders

Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre; ~Titus 1:7


A leader is someone who has been entrusted with the responsibility of directing, guiding, and influencing other people in an organization, mission, responsibility, or direction. A spiritual leader must be godly, trustworthy, and transparent. He is someone who carries a large burden on his shoulder in his leadership capacity. Let us see, this morning, the makeup of a spiritual leader.

We see the consecration.

Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers” (Acts 20:28a). A spiritual leader has been set apart by the Holy Spirit for his task. Paul made it very clear that the Holy Spirit made bishops to be overseers over the flock of God. Paul told Titus in Titus 1:7 that a bishop is the steward of God. He is God’s divine manager over the sheep that God has entrusted to him. We can apply consecration to all facets of leadership. Whomever we have been entrusted with is the delegation of the Holy Spirit.

We see the character.

Paul said that a bishop MUST BE blameless. His character before God and man must be free of dishonesty, covetousness, immaturity, foolishness, unethical behavior, and an ungodly testimony. This doesn’t mean that people will not find fault in him or accuse him of things, but when all is said and done, none of it is true. Character is what we are when no one is around us. Our character comes out when we are under pressure, tested, or pushed to the limit. Character is exhibited in our desires and appetites. Do the members of the opposite sex respect you, or do they see you as someone trying to hustle them or take advantage of them?

We see the convictions.

Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.” A spiritual leader must possess strong convictions about God’s Word. Paul told Titus to hold fast the faithful Word as he hath been taught. First, he must have a reverence for God’s Word. Second, he must have a respect for the teachers God placed in his life and the convictions they passed down to him. Third, he must have a resilience to exhort and convince by sound doctrine. Spiritual leaders must hold fast the faithful word regardless of pressures, trends, and weariness.

We see the contentions.

Spiritual leaders must contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. This is opposed to being contentious. No spiritual leader should be contentious with others. Spiritual leaders must contend with the gainsayers; that is, those who are opposed to the Word of God. We must take a strong stand against sin, doctrinal drift, false doctrine, undermining personalities, and rebellion. Paul told Titus to “rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith.” When a spiritual leader holds fast to the faithful Word, he remains faithful and steadfast. When we contend for the faith, we make it clear that the Word of God and the work of God are not open for debate and change.

When we boil it down, a spiritual leader exercises compelling influence through his stand, his spirit, his speech, and his service. Don’t water down the requirements for spiritual leaders. Don’t be a weak leader. Be stalwart and strong!

Have an influential God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Habakkuk-Zephaniah


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