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Strong in Faith

Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today's Verse:

He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. ~Romans 4:20-21


This morning, we are considering the faith of Abraham. Abraham is one of the most remarkable men of faith in the Bible. There are more verses in Hebrews 11 that speak about the faith of Abraham than any of the other great names mentioned in that chapter. Abraham is revered as the father of the Hebrew race. He is reverently called the friend of God. However, the greatest testimonial concerning Abraham is the simple fact that he is described as not staggering at the promises of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God. Let us consider this morning what it means to be strong in faith.

We see Abraham and his aging weakness.

Abraham was 75 years old when God told him to leave Ur of the Chaldees and begin his pilgrimage into Canaan. He was given the divine promise that he would have a son in his old age. However, it would be 25 years later that this son would be born. At age 75, he was already old. By age 100, his body was so weak that he is described as being dead. In other words, as time passed, his ability to have a child through Sarai was impossible, humanly speaking. He was totally unable! For a son to be born from his body would be nothing short of an act of God. Strong faith can only exist and perform where there is weakness, inability, and impossibility.

We see Abraham and the absolute Word.

Abraham had faith in God’s Word. Genesis 15:6 tells us that Abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for righteousness. As a man who formerly worshiped idols, he forsook all of that and had complete faith in God’s Word. Paul says he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief. He did not pause, hesitate, or backtrack. All doubts that he had were eliminated. People who accomplish the impossible through faith have a thorough trust and faith in the promises of God. He had faith in the power of God’s Word, the perpetuity of God’s Word, the promises in God’s Word, and the product from God’s Word. Do you have complete faith in God’s Word?

We see Abraham and his authoritative witness.

Abraham was strong in faith! He gave witness to a life that was strong and invincible in faith. He did not allow his urgency or concerns to interfere with God’s plan. As time passed and his body grew weaker, his faith and trust in God’s promise remained resolute, unstoppable, and strong. His physical limitations were overshadowed by the strength of his faith. Innuendoes, criticisms, and disparaging statements by nonbelievers did not sway or change him. We can look at Abraham’s witness and be encouraged that God performs through us where God will get the most glory!

We see Abraham and his attentive waiting.

The strength of his faith is underscored by the fact that he was attentive in his waiting. Most of us are impatient and want God to answer us yesterday! Abraham teaches us the value and virtue of waiting on God. He waited 25 years for the promised son, but it was worth the wait. Being strong in faith entails that we are attentive in waiting.

We see Abraham and an astonishing wonder.

At age 100, the promised son was born! Can you imagine what went through the hearts of Abraham and Sarah? Can you imagine how his household and community reacted to the birth of a son to a 90-year-old woman and a 100-year-old man? God did what He said He would do. Abraham testified through a holy witness that God’s Word and power never fails.

This morning, make it your desire to be strong in faith, giving glory to God. Have faith that God can accomplish something impossible through your faith.

Have a faith-filled God Morning!


Bible Reading Schedule: Jeremiah 49-50


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