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The Bema Seat

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today's Verse:

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. ~2 Corinthians 5:10


In the early days of the Olympic competitions, athletes competed for a crown known as a stephanos, which was also known as the victor’s crown. It was made of garland leaves and woven together in the shape of a crown that was placed on the head of the victor of a competition. The judge of an event sat on a seat that was positioned high above the crowd and competition in order to give him a full view of the event and the ranking of the competitors as they finished. As the competitors stood before the judge, he would declare the victor and award him the stephanos. When Paul wrote about the Judgment seat of Christ, he had this image of the judge at the Olympic competition fixated in his mind. The Judgment seat of Christ is a time in the future when every Christian will appear to give account of how he lived his life for the Lord.

The Judgment Seat of Christ is inescapable.

Paul said, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.” It is not a judgment of our sins. Our sins were judged in their entirety on the cross when Jesus suffered and died for us. It is, however, a judgment of the things done in our body, according to that we have done, whether it be good or bad. It is an appointed day. It will follow after the Rapture of the saints when the dead in Christ, and we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up to be together with the Lord. The Rapture is our homecoming. The Judgment Seat of Christ follows this homecoming.

The Judgment Seat of Christ is an inspection.

Paul said that every man’s work shall be made manifest. This is an inspection of how we served the Lord. It is an inspection of what kind of material, methods, and motivation we built with. It is an inspection of how we served the Lord with our bodies and spirit. Our works and service will be evaluated with fire. The fire will try of what sort it is. Did we build with gold, silver, and precious stones? Or did we build with wood, hay, and stubble. The precious metals are durable and pass through the fire without perishing. The nondurable materials will burn. It is possible for a Christian to suffer loss after the fire! While salvation is the gift of God and we cannot lose this, our works for the Lord could reveal our true spirit and motive when we were alive on earth. Every one of us must give account of himself to the Lord.

The Judgment Seat of Christ is an inspiration.

First, it inspires us to serve the Lord fervently and out of a pure heart. Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of Him. We want God to be pleased with what we are doing. Second, it lights a fire within us to be fervent about the gospel and reaching the lost. “Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.” The fact that the blood of sinners is on our hands is a strong motivation to tell them about Jesus. Third, all of us should desire to have crowns that we can lay at the feet of Jesus when we are in Heaven. There is the incorruptible crown, the crown of rejoicing, the crown of life, the crown of righteousness, and the crown of glory. We are inspired to give our best, do our best, and be at our best so that we are deemed faithful at his appearing.

Let’s run the race that we are in with the intent of finishing as a victor. Let’s work, for the night is coming when no man can work. Let’s appear before the Lord as winners and not losers!

Have a steadfast God Morning!


Bible Reading Schedule: 1 Chronicles 22-24

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